Video of UFO Lavelanet in the Ariege France

By Christian Macé
UFO Digest European Correspondent

UFO filmed in Lavelanet in the Ariege in France March 24, 2012

Our friend Christophe Dufour reader reader comes to film this UFO shaped gray sphere in Lavelanet, in the Ariege, France, March 24, 2012 … 45 to 09 H

Lavelanet 2

We see the UFO that comes from the right side of the video and going to the left, along a path parallel to the ground at high speed!

Lavelanet 3

Above, I have circled in red the UFO, and we see his progression in the sky.

We see the UFO that happens from time 12 seconds 034. Watch the video on the Facebook account of Christopher Dufour:

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