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Vikings UFOs and Bigfoot Part V

Only Viking valor and bravery overcame the dreaded Wendol.

The Ibn Fadian manuscript has been the subject of much study, the tracing of its authenticity through history, and careful scrutiny by scholars of universities in many countries make it a precious record. It survives the ages as one of the most compelling first hand accounts of ancient civilizations and even very good evidence that the Neanderthal supposedly cousins of man still survived in a tribe in 928 A.D. Despite the widespread dominance of modern man this manuscript holds evidence that one particular holdout of Neanderthals not only existed in a war-like society, but actually raided human beings much like the Vikings raided our ancestors on the coasts of Great Britain.

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A terrible tradeoff to occur

Armed with the information that Buliwyf had received from the Dwarf leader, Ibn Fadian, Herger, his translator, and the Vikings had a mission that would would finally strike the Wendol where they lived just as they had been doing to the Kingdom of Rothgar. However, there was a disturbing prophecy that was given to Buliwyf before his departure in the form of a tragic prophecy. Even though the Vikings would be successful in their stealthy assault of the Wendol homeland, their beloved leader Buliwyf would be mortally wounded. This distressed his men and as well Ibn Fadian, who had grown close to the mighty leader. Fadian struggled with the prediction hoping it would merely be a warning more than a reality. Thanks to the Dwarfs, they also knew the location of the Wendol’s redoubt, a series of rocky sea caves on the coast that stood 30 feet or more above the ocean shore.

They knew that in order to strike the Wendol head on at the cave entrances on the inland side would be suicidal and against all odds, but the Mist Monsters did not anticipate an attack from the seaside of the caves to the rear where they felt that no one would dare climb the rocky cliffs and attempt such a siege. The Wendol did not yet know the Vikings well enough to make that assumption. They knew the Vikings as fearsome opponents though. The party of warriors along with Ibn made their way toward the rugged coastline where a man could be dashed to broken bones in minutes if he attempted to approach the rocky coast from the sea. Somehow Buliwyf knew and recognized the exact location where they would use the fine seal skin ropes they had received from the dwarfs and began the task of ascending the cliffs.

Overcoming fears

Ibn was deathly afraid of heights and with plenty of urging and threats by his Viking counterparts finally climbed the dangerous pathway along a narrow outcropping of rock ledge that brought them to the very top of the sea caves. As if that were not enough, the Vikings planned on dropping down into the cave entrances from above by rope. The first Viking, Herger, volunteered and slid down the rope and to the very ledge of the cave they would assault. Next Buliwyf instructed Ibn to go next, but he was deathly afraid, the Viking leader quickly showed him how it would be done and thrust Fadian out onto the rock face with nothing but certain death below him. As Ibn clung to his rope he was lowered down He smashed his forehead on the way down, but kept from blacking out. Ibn was congratulated by Herger as he let go of the rope about to faint from the danger he had just been exposed to. Next came each Viking one after another with deftness and courage.

A stealthy assault

The plan would be that a small group of Vikings would divide up and pass through several entrances of the ocean caves which interconnected and formed the Wendol sanctuary. They wanted the Mother of the Wendol. Killing her would put a permanent stop to the terror that had plagued the Kingdom of Rothgar for a long time. Three Viking warriors to each cave entrance comprised the plan of attack as they penetrated the very den of their nemesis. This would be the most perilous mission they had attempted yet. Outnumbered, no fortifications, no supplies, they were in the heart of enemy territory with only the element of surprise. This was the moment of truth as they made their way inside and heard the gruff voices of their enemies. Upon first encountering their blood thirsty counterparts, the Vikings quickly dispatched their stunned opponents with little difficulty. The cries of the dying Wendol quickly aroused the others who struck back as their ugly grunts and groans echoed in the caves with ear splitting intensity. Buliwyf’s objective was to find the Wendol Mother and kill her. She would be defended by their guards. Once she was killed the Mist Monsters would become disoriented and their morale would quickly erode!

The fighting went on and the Vikings swept the caves efficiently wiping out the surprised Wendol as they went. Ibn was with Buliwyf when he discovered the Mother of the Wendol. She appeared to be Caucasian and from Ibn’s description was like the Medusa. She had snakes coiled around her head and feet. She was a wicked entity to behold! She screamed in high pitched wails as Buliwyf and Ibn quickly dispatched her guards whom they sliced to pieces with the blades of their heavy swords! Ibn Fadian joined by Herger held off any counter attacks as Buliwyf dealt with the bizarre Wendol Mother.

Killing the Wendol witch

He began by striking blows upon her with his sword. Each time he struck her blood spewed from her wound, but she did not seem to be affected by the attacks. She screamed at Buliwyf as he continued to pierce her with his sword. One might wonder if she was not in some kind of drug induced trance. It is not a stretch of the imagination for this too have been the case as the pharmacological effects of many naturally occurring hallucinogens such as Peyote were used by the American Indians for centuries, it seems the Wendol Mother may well have been under the influence of such ritual drugs. After several thrusts of his mighty sword, the eccentric presence of the Wendol Mother succumbed and fell to her knees. Buliwyf delivered one final blow decapitating the Medusa-like witch.

Dreaded fiends defeated

In their momentary jubilance the Vikings overlooked a very tragic development. Their mighty leader, Buliwyf, had been struck with a poison dart by the Wendol witch as he killed her. Buliwyf was not dead, but they all knew it was only a matter of time. The Wendol had been thoroughly routed on that day. Once again the Vikings with bravery and unmatched valor had seized the day though they had suffered a terrible tragedy themselves. Buliwyf had fulfilled the dwarf’s prophecy. He would enter the gates of Valhalla sooner than he had imagined in the days to come. With the Wendol in disarray, the Vikings took their leave taking with them the head of the Wendol witch as they withdrew.

They knew that one last battle lay ahead of them. The Wendol would try to strike back one more time. The Mist Monsters would try and take vengeance one more time against the Kingdom of Rothgar. The Viking party would need to return and help defend the Viking settlement one last time. This they anticipated knowing full well the pattern of the Wendol, who were not only vicious cannibals, but they were persistent even as much as the Vikings were. A final conflict lay ahead of them soon. A final reckoning with a hated and feared nemesis would play out shortly.

A short-lived rejoice

Once back at Rothgar Kingdom and in the royal halls the subjects of King Rothgar rejoiced over the conquest of Buliwyf and his comrades, but they also knew they had suffered a great loss in doing so. Ibn’s wounds were treated by the Viking women who teased him and offered themselves to him at the behest of King Rothgar, but Ibn was in no mood for celebration in anticipation of what was to come. The other warriors managed to feast and drink though they were upset over Buliwyf’s misfortune. Their leader was growing weaker by the day as the poison acted upon his organs.

Soon the Wendol attacked again when the next cold mist rolled over the kingdom and enveloped the grounds making its foggy pathway out to the sea shore. The Vikings, Herger, and Ibn awaited their enemy. Suddenly they were momentarily inspired when Buliwyf appeared in battle dress wielding his sword though his skin was darkened by the effects of the poison dart that had pierced his chest. The warriors found great enthusiasm in the presence of their once mighty leader who was ready to fight his last battle on earth.

The last conflict

The attack came once again in the dead of night. The Wendol once again dared the defenses of the Vikings and tried to force their wrath of vengeance upon the Norsemen who fought back with their legendary bravery and talent for killing. This time the assault ended with little of the ferocity of the past combat. It was the last gasp of an enemy that had been decimated and dispirited by a more adept foe, the Vikings. The Wendol were wiped out leaving few survivors of their last ditch effort at punishing their Norsemen opponents. They retreated this time without carrying away their dead, They were dispersed handily by the force of Viking fury. Never would the Wendol attempt another siege or molest another subject of King Rothgar.

A great leader is dead

In their cheering and celebration at the final defeat of their adversaries, the Vikings wept at the sight of their fallen leader. Buliwyf was dead. He lay on the ground still clutching his mighty sword, but his spirit had departed his body. Now the task of restoring the Kingdom and removing the dead for proper burial was undertaken as the bodies of the Wendol were piled and burned. Ibn was sickened at the stench of burning flesh and the panorama of burning corpses. All the Vikings who had died, including their valiant leader, were elevated on ritual platforms for the required 10 day period as their fiery sea rituals were prepared.

The casualties of war

Out of 13 Vikings along with Ibn, who had fought bravely alongside his adopted comrades only three were left. Herger, Ibn Fadian and one other warrior remained alive in the wake of so many costly battles. King Rothgar, an old man who was half blind, ordered a feast for the survivors and more mead for them to drink. The King’s prince who stood to inherit the throne, was not so appreciative as the other subjects in the kingdom. He insulted the Viking warriors who had liberated Rothgar at great cost. When Buliwyf and his men had first arrived and had been honored with a feast this arrogant and untrustworthy prince had remained aloof with eyes darting warily. Buliwyf pointed him out and said the man was a fox and not to be trusted.

A final betrayal

Herger drew his sword after being insulted for the last time so did the ambivalent Prince. The two began a duel and clanged their blades together in a fight to the death as the King, his subjects, Ibn, and the last Viking watched. Now Fadian knew exactly why the fox that Buliwyf had pointed out was so treacherous as one of the noblemen made a try at using his sword to stab Herger from behind. It had been planned, but Ibn sprang to his feet with his own blade drawn and put a stop to the cowardly conspirator with a thrust of his sword killing the prince’s henchman. Seeing this, Herger nodded and began to quickly outmatch the prince of Rothgar. With a mighty blow he disarmed the prince who begged for his mercy just before Herger ran him though with his blade. The cloud that had darkened the Kingdom of Rothgar had been lifted, not only from the feared Wendol, but from the corrupt Prince Rothgar, whose his father had been unable to control.

In the weeks to come, Ibn Fadian was treated like an honored guest. He was fed by the women, his wounds were attended to until he was healed, and his spirits were lightened by the peace that now reined over the Kingdom of Rothgar. The king treated him with much respect, but now Ibn longed to go home and back to Baghdad where he had originally started out before embarking on a three year adventure with his Viking comrades, but the King would have none of it. He would not give Ibn the permission to leave. Finally, Herger had a word with the king. Herger knew that Ibn missed his home and his duty with the crown of his land. He had a mission to finish that had been interrupted. It was time for Ibn Fadian to return to the Middle East. Herger, his friend, knew this too.

The long awaited return

Herger convinced the old King perhaps even with a threat, that it was time to allow Ibn free passage home. It was granted. On the day of his departure aboard a Viking ship Herger and Fadian clasped each other by the shoulder. Herger told Ibn that he considered his Arab companion as an equal among the Norsemen. Ibn Ahmad Fadian considered this to be a great honor. Herger remained in the Kingdom of Rothgar as Ibn departed along with one surviving original warrior who had set out along with the rest of Buliwyf’s war party. Their work here was done. Ibn would continue on to the City of Peace where he had first been brought by the Vikings before they had been called to aid Rothgar. From there he headed on horseback to the land where he had been born and to where he owed his allegiance. With him, he took his fondest memories and his worst nightmares and wrote the manuscript that would survive for hundreds of years after his death and instruct us to this day about life in the ancient world of humanity.


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