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Was A Time-Traveler Filmed Accidently In 1928?

By Peter Farquhar

Has someone already gone back from the future?

This week, the makers of Back To The Future kicked off celebrations marking the 25th anniversary of the release of the original movie starring Michael J. Fox. In the same week, an Irish independent filmmaker has gone public with what he says is footage of a time traveller caught walking through a scene on a recent DVD release of Charlie Chaplin’s 1928 film, The Circus.

“I believe I’m the first person to find something quite unusual from a bit of film footage from 1928,” Clarke said. The scene can be found in the extras menu in Documents, under The Hollywood Premiere.

It’s not in the movie — it’s real footage and it features real members of the public in 1928. Or does it, asked Clarke, who spotted a mysteriously dressed stranger walking past the camera talking into what he says can only be a mobile phone.

“The only conclusion I can come to — which sounds absolutely ridiculous I’m sure, to some people — is it’s a time traveller,” he said. “When you’re looking at a bit of 1928 footage with an old woman … on a mobile phone, it’s kind of strange. You can’t explain it.” 

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