Whale Deaths, Seismic Activity and the Southport Ghost Plane

By Pat Regan

Conservationists are alleging that RAF bombs may have caused recent whale deaths.


However, I feel this event may be a further warning of additional seismic activity around the British coast line. Whales have beached themselves before earthquakes and I have written at length about this particular issue:

Whales Beaching Worldwide: Warnings of Imminent Earth Movements


 Could this RAF issue be linked to the earlier whale deaths of the previous weekend? Had the unfortunate creatures experienced fear from undetected seismic activity?

In view of this, whales may just be getting a much clearer sensation of what is happening underneath Mother Earth than we are.

This I believe was semi-confirmed when I received correspondence from a Southport resident named Allan Leck.

Allan, who runs Bay Tree House Bed and Breakfast hotel in Southport, wrote asking me (27 July 2011)  if any seismic activity had been reported after he experienced something strange recently. He told me:

“I suspectedthere may have been an earth tremor last night as I noticed a couple of odd things when I opened up our B&B this morning”.

Recently we had a small earthquake in Blackpool, which is near to Southport, so Allan’s question may indeed be quite pertinent. 




Above: Bay Tree House


However, Allan’s primary reason for contacting me was to inform me about a bizarre incident he had experienced some years ago.

He was not sure of the exact date but calculated it to have been about 2002 and at approximately 11.00 am on a Sunday morning. The witness told me the following:

“I couldn’t help but see an enormous light brown aeroplane with virtually no side windows moving slowly across Neville Street (only a little above the rooftops) going towards the Liverpool end of town.”

Allan continued:

“I felt it was far too near the ground and thought a disaster was pending when it went beyond sight; at that stage I realised that it didn’t appear that anyone else had seen this aeroplane and then I suddenly realised that there had been no engine noise.”

 The witness told me that he did not consider the plane to be “a UFO in the alien sense”.

Nonetheless, this mysterious event clearly stayed in Allan’s mind. 

Was this sighting more akin to a paranormal apparition of something that had occurred before?

Some individuals are more psychically attuned to other levels of existence that lie on the higher realms than other people. Sometimes they are not even conscious that they are more predisposed to supernatural forces until such events occur.  This may be so in this particular case.

I wonder if any other Southport residents witnessed this strange event.

NB. I have written about several Southport UFO sightings in my last book, UFO: THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH.  

Pat Regan © 2010  

Author of: 

UFO: The Search for Truth 

What others say… 

“This book is no dry analysis of a quaint mystery. It’s a muscular thesis that isn’t afraid to take on the difficult issues and ask the questions that more traditional UFO researchers have avoided. Buckle up, readers, and get ready for one hell of a ride.”

 (World renowned Ufologist, Nick Pope)  

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Short video by author Pat Regan about UFO


Pat Regan on MSNBC Today Show with TV Anchor, Dara Brown:  



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