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By Sean Casteel


(Copyright 2016, Sean Casteel – All Rights Reserved)

<Edited by Tim R. Shwarz & Robert D. Morningstar>


The Omega Files


It is not known at what point Bruce Alan Walton took the name of “Branton,” but we do know that he did it out of fear for his life.

Branton had learned certain details about an alien/human conspiracy that predated all our conventional views of human history, the kind of details the conspirators would stop at nothing to keep secret.  For those secret societies, murder was and is always an “option.”

In spite of how he uneasily came to feel like an easy target for the dark forces at play, Branton managed to place his version of reality on the Internet, starting in the mid-1990s. His postings came to be called “The Branton Files,” and have been publicly denounced as “high fantasy” filled with complex and convoluted conspiracy theories.

Never one to shrink back from danger himself, Timothy Green Beckley, the CEO of Global Communications and Inner Light Publications, has published some of Branton’s books, to include “The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth” and “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets,” both of which deal in great detail with Branton’s research and the life events he endured while both studying and trying to conceal himself from the strange hidden forces that seek to control and enslave “our” world. Beckley also published Branton’s “The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed,” which describes how German engineers actually flew flying saucers shortly before the end of World War II and currently continue their depraved efforts in underground bases around the world.

One can only hope that Beckley will be spared any reprisals by the secret group for helping Branton to expose these nefarious machinations. Beckley could easily be forced into a position where he has to look over his shoulder as he walks the streets on his way to a restaurant for dinner.

An obvious consequence of Branton’s hiding himself from the fiendish denizens of hell and misery is that he is also largely hidden from us, a sympathetic group of believers in potential conspiracies.  What little is known about Branton is dealt with in the early section of “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets.”  It is taken from a website he operated at one point in the 1990s.

This is the only photo of Bruce Walton, aka “Branton,” that is currently known and available.


According to the website, Branton was born in 1960 to a large family who lived near the western base of the Rocky Mountains.  As he grew up, he began to distrust organized religion, which he felt had long ago been infected by a kind of Masonic “virus” that could be traced back to Lucifer, the fallen angel who became Satan.

Branton briefly recounts a sad history of being drawn into various secret, neo-Masonic, so-called “New Age” cults that manipulated their members with mind control tactics and even subjected younger adherents to perverse rituals of molestation at the cults’ deeper levels.  He freely admits that being infected with this psycho-spiritual poison caused him many mental and emotional problems when he reached adulthood, as is the case with all victims of molestation.

Meanwhile, seeking escape through “legalistic” forms of Christianity only drove Branton deeper into the clutches of wickedness.  He feels he was somehow “used” by the Evil One and made to do harm to others around him.  But before his defection from the parasitical kingdom of darkness, he was able to learn about many of its deeper secrets and some details of its inner-workings.  He came to feel it was his duty – regardless of personal risk – to expose this darkness to the light of truth and thus help others to escape the traps that almost ruined his life.

He thought of his enemies as vampires feeding on him parasitically as he tried to overcome the effects of being abducted by aliens as a child and having the usual attendant implants inserted into his body.  Over time, he came to know the ultimate culprit was a race of reptilian aliens who came from beyond and within our world and who had collected a substantial number of willing followers that worked through many different secret societies, including the aforementioned Masons.

It was Branton’s “faith in Jesus Christ,” he said, that led him on the path of escape from Satan and his minions.  

Branton felt he had discovered a more pure and truthful understanding of Jesus that was different from what organized religion teaches.  He took assurance from his faith that the sins he committed while under the thrall of The Devil could ultimately be forgiven and that he would be allowed to warn the world at large, or at least a small piece of it, of the dangers he had discovered while in the grip of wicked misery that had nearly killed him.

Beckley, Branton’s publisher, adds a section in the opening pages of “The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets” in which he lays out what little else is known about Branton.

“Something was obviously going on in his head,” Beckley writes, “that caused this transition [and led Bruce Walton to change his name to Branton]. It all culminated in the now-transformed Branton realizing he had been a ‘sleeper’ for the CIA.  According to stories that have come to us in dribs and drabs, Branton stumbled on some information that he was not supposed to know.  He was, supposedly, given an alternative personality, which was programmed to serve his CIA/Black Projects handlers and the Bavarian/Gray collective.  In this alternate or ‘double life,’ he had access to several underground bases and apparently over the course of time encountered several alien groups as well. It is even said that he had several alien implants placed at various locations in his body, not just one, as in most cases.”


While that may sound like a “perfect storm” of conspiracy theory delusion, there were even stranger claims made by Branton.  He is the father, he said, of a number of hybrid children conceived when he mated with female reptilian shape-shifting aliens.  He believed his hybrid children had decided to join him in resisting the Luciferian New World Order.

“Chances are,” Beckley writes, “you are a ‘fan’ of Branton or you would not have purchased this book. Branton is not for everyone! His material has limited appeal, but for those who can take all this in and digest what he has to say, Branton is considered somewhat of a ‘savior,’ particularly to those who contend that there is a global plot to ‘take us all over.’

“I want to make it perfectly clear,” Beckley continues, “that I have not heard from Branton in years, and I do not know anyone else who has either.  When last spoken to, Branton had been in a roadside accident.  He was riding his bike not far from his apartment when someone collided with him and took off down the highway.  Those prone to conspiracy theories claim that the windows of the vehicle were tinted black, and the automobile was driven by representatives of the New World Order in the form of the dreaded MIB, or Men-In-Black.  Shortly after, he was in trouble with the ‘authorities’ and ended up in the clink.  Nothing to report on him since, either as Branton or as Bruce A. Walton.”

Beckley then acknowledges that the Branton Files are posted in various shapes and forms all over the Internet and had required much cleaning up in terms of spelling and punctuation before Beckley could publish some of Branton’s writing in book form.

Another item that can be found on the Internet is a letter Branton allegedly wrote to UK conspiracy theorist David Icke, who espouses the belief that Queen Elizabeth and many other high-profile authority figures are in fact reptilian aliens disguising themselves as humans.

“As you are probably aware,” Branton writes, “as a whole these reptilian hybrids often lead a double life involving dual personalities: one which leads a ‘normal’ life in the outer world and one that is deeply involved with the underground alien society on a nocturnal basis.  This is especially true with ‘cocooned/hosted’ individuals and ‘hybrids/abductees.’  I believe that I am one such hybrid.”

Branton goes on to say that his genealogical line intersects with that of the British Royal Family and that the Mormon Church, or Latter Day Saints, serves as a cover for many of the old reptilian bloodlines. He conjectures that this may be why the Mormons prefer large families, in order to breed out the normal human genetic lines and replace them with reptilian/hybrid genes. There are many cases of Mormon hybrid/abductees who suffer from Multiple Personality Disorder and they are under tremendous pressure from the church, especially in Utah, not to discuss their abduction experiences



“Underneath most major cities,” Branton continues in his letter to Icke, “particularly in the USA, there exist subterranean counterpart ‘cities’ controlled by the Masonic/Hybrid/Alien ‘elite.’ Often surface/subsurface terminals exist beneath Masonic Lodges, police stations, airports and federal buildings. Some of the major population centers were deliberately established by the Masonic/Hybrid elite of the Old and New Worlds to afford easy access to already existing underground installations, some of which are thousands of years old.

“These sub-cities also offer close access to organized crime syndicates that operate on the surface. They have developed a science of economics through which they literally nickel-and-dime us into slavery via multileveled taxation, inflation, sublimation, manipulation, regulation, fines, fees, licenses, and the entire debt-credit scam which is run by the Federal Reserve and Wall Street.

“The ‘dracs’ not only feed upon our outward society economically but also emotionally through emotional vampirism, psychically with implants, and even bio-plasmically with blood feasts. They are parasites of the worst sort, vampires and leeches on the back of humanity. They control us from the cradle to the grave via their global economic and electronic control system and will continue to do so until enough of us on the surface join together in an international resistance and literally invade the underground systems and begin to ‘kick ass and take names.’ I see no other way that we can once again gain our independence. Are we just going to sit around and be good little Nazi drones, or are we going to do something about it?”

Branton then commends Icke for his having joined the fight against the evil forces and says he prays for Icke’s success and safety in their common struggle.


I wrote a review for “FATE Magazine” of Branton’s book “The Dulce Wars” in which I tried to put his material in an easily digestible nutshell.


“The alleged conspiracy,” I wrote, “primarily operates out of secret military installations like Area 51 in Nevada as well as, according to ‘The Dulce Wars,’ an underground base situated close to a tiny town in New Mexico called Dulce. The secrecy surrounding the buried, multileveled facility is so closely guarded that the author felt compelled to write under an assumed name, ‘Branton,’ because, as the book’s jacket says, ‘he is deathly afraid.’

“Putting aside the question of whether or not that kind of apprehension is justified, Branton still manages to provide an excellent overview of the many rumors and legends about the Dulce underground facility, presenting testimony from such diverse sources as UFO researcher John Lear (the son of the inventor of the Lear jet), Paul Bennewitz, a scientist who claimed to be in contact with aliens from the Dulce base via a special code on his computer, and Thomas Edwin Costello, who told Branton he was a security officer at the Dulce base and disappeared about a year after their interview was conducted.”

“From the various experts and references available, Branton pieces together a collection of horror stories that involve, among other things, a human zoo called ‘Nightmare Alley’ where men, women and children are housed to be used as lab rats for experiments in genetics and the development of mind control techniques. Government scientists purportedly labor alongside an occupying alien force to work out the sundry ways the general population aboveground can be brought under an ultimate totalitarian control, all of which began with a 1947 treaty signed by President Harry Truman – the government obtained alien technological secrets in exchange for permitting the aliens to abduct human subjects for their diabolical research.”


“The government realized too late, the story goes, that the aliens never intended to keep their part of the bargain and have instead perpetrated the monstrous misuse of perhaps many thousands of innocent victims, spawning along the way grotesque legends of vats filled with human body parts and animal/human hybrid creatures mindlessly howling in cages in the deeper levels of the Dulce installation.”

It becomes obvious why Branton would come to dedicate his life to resisting this kind of terrifying plot with its perpetrators hiding just below the surface of our planet.  His hope was to convince others that the danger was real and enlist their help in fighting the evil forces that may soon enslave humankind so completely that resistance will then be futile and our fate sealed forever.  Branton’s efforts may be heroic in some sense, but are his beliefs even sane?

I concluded my review by saying, “Somewhere in this complex mix of rumor and official secrecy there must be a grain or two of truth, and Branton asks only that you read the book and then draw your own conclusions.”

Wherever Branton is now, he is likely still waging some kind of war against his evil enemies, real or imagined, while we continue to debate among ourselves about what conclusions we should draw.


Sean Casteel




Branton’s The Mojave Desert’s Mysterious Secrets


The Dulce Wars: Underground Alien Bases and the Battle for Planet Earth


The Omega Files: Secret Nazi UFO Bases Revealed


Reality of the Serpent Race and the Subterranean Origin of UFOs


Underground Alien Bio Lab at Dulce


The article above was originally published and edited by Tim R. Shwarz on Spectral Vision



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