Below are a sampling of paintings Gordon J. Gianninoto photographed while visiting a nursing home in Maine. The paintings are by fourth grade students whose assignment was to create a painting using all the primary colors plus white. What is amazing is that many of the paintings featured UFOs. Below are the actual paintings. Read the comments supplied by Mr. Gianninoto.

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On March 23rd, 2005, I was on Mount Desert Island at the Sonagee Nursing Home in Bar Harbor, Maine to photograph UFO drawings by 4th grade MDI art students. There were about one dozen drawings and I found it interesting that one quarter of them had UFOs in the sky.

Of course, what is more interesting is that the students wanted to put alien ships into their drawings, an exercise in using primary colors. Isn’t this a good sign, that young children have UFO interests sufficiently strong to express in artwork to be exhibited to the public?

Gordon J. Gianninoto
UFO Contact News
P.O. Box 211
Deer Isle, Maine 04627
[email protected]


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