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Witness describes UFO ‘dogfight’ over New Jersey

Three New Jersey witnesses near Newark watched multiple lights appear and move across the night sky, flashing red or orange light, and interacting with each other like a dogfight shortly after 8 p.m. on August 20, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness originally filed Case # 25144, but later added more information as Case # 25147. Air traffic from nearby Newark Airport was visible while the lights were observed.

“In contrast to these planes, the objects were moving at incredible speeds…speeds that, as far as I know, are inhumanly possible,” the witness stated.

“I’d estimate THOUSANDS of miles per hour. I can estimate these incredible speeds due to the known limited speed of commercial airliners. Furthermore, these objects were moving in MANY different directions. I mean right angles, reversing direction “on a dime”, vertically, horizontally, etc. during a sparing few instances these white lights would seemingly flash a red or orange hue as well. I would describe their movements; as if in a dogfight seemingly interacting with eachother at times. Mind you, all the while planes are traveling through the sky.”

The reporting witness has digital images, stating that these will be turned over to MUFON upon request.

The following is the unedited and as yet uninvestigated report filed with MUFON. Please keep in mind that most UFO reports can be explained as something natural or man made. If New Jersey MUFON State Director George Filer investigates and reports back on this case, I will release an update. Please report UFO activity to

NJ, August 20, 2010 – Covey of UFOs in “dog fight.” MUFON Case # 25147.

I posted a sighting earlier but now have more time and better perspective to describe what my mother, my skeptic friend and I saw last evening. My friend is convinced there must be a reasonable, logical (simplest answer is most likely) explaination for what happened. I and my mother on the other hand are not quite sure.

My mother noted the exact time, but I’d say it was shortly after 8:00 pm on 8/20/2010 that we saw something utterly incredible that lasted well over an hour. Initially I had gone outside to have a cigarette in anticipation of my friends arrival. Upon lighting my cigarette I noticed a faint light that seemed to streak across the sky. As an avid skywatcher I’m very familiar with the goings on in the night sky, especially in the tri-state area. The rear of my house (the deck) faces the West. Newark airport is to my South and other major tri-state area airports are obviously toward my East. What we saw however, has nothing to do with planes. After first seeing this faint light I was slightly perplexed. All of a sudden multiple lights began to appear and reappear all over the western sky above the treeline and “houseline” behind my house. I’d say over the course of the sighting there were anywhere from 6-12 seperate lights. These lights, although a significant distance away, were something that shocked me. I had never seen anything like them.

Planes were traveling across the sky. In contrast to these planes, the objects were moving at incredible speeds…speeds that, as far as I know, are inhumanly possible. I’d estimate THOUSANDS of miles per hour. I can estimate these incredible speeds due to the known limited speed of commercial airliners. Furthermore, these objects were moving in MANY different directions. I mean right angles, reversing direction “on a dime”, vertically, horizontally, etc. during a sparing few instances these white lights would seemingly flash a red or orange hue as well. I would describe their movements; as if in a dogfight seemingly interacting with eachother at times. Mind you, all the while planes are traveling through the sky.

This activity lasted for over an hour and probably significantly longer, but I had left to meet with friends at a local bar. I can say with complete and utter confidence that these lights were NOT; planes, helicopters, blimps (they move WAY too slowly and most likely don’t travel at night as far as I know), spotlights,drones, flares, or any other craft civlian or military that I have EVER seen, read about or heard of in any capacity whatsoever. I can say this due to the astonishing capabilities these possible “craft” displayed.

In addition, these lights disappeared and reappeared during their amazing acrobatics. I mean they were there and then not and then there again…all over the sky traveling multiple directions, at times crossing paths and seemingly chasing each other.

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