
How many times have you watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind, or Independence Day and wondered if what happened in those films could ever really occur?

Well, that day may be getting closer as things start to get interesting in the search for extraterrestrial life.

A recent discovery proves that as much as 50 percent of the water on our planet predates the sun.  Not only does this indicate water is more prevalent than we thought, it also means that many more worlds throughout our galaxy probably have habitats conducive to life.  In our own solar system, even moons like Europa, Enseladus and Titan may host some form of life.  This means so called habitable zones are no longer the only places where life can get started. These smaller worlds don’t get their energy from the sun.  They get it from the gravitational push and pull from their host planet. Conceivably, there could be as many as a billion worlds in our galaxy with living things on them.   

When you talk about technically advanced civilizations though, those numbers change dramatically.  To evolve beyond one celled organisms takes an extraordinary set of circumstances and an equal dose of luck.  The number of starts and stops probably outnumber all the grains of sand on a large California beach. If however, just a tiny fraction  of  those worlds with life develop into societies able to communicate,  there could be at least  2,000  in our galaxy alone. 

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So, why in the 54 years since SETI began searching for extraterrestrial radio signals, haven’t we heard a thing?

First, the majority of stars in our galaxy are much older than ours and very far away.  A signal from a distant civilization might arrive tomorrow or a hundred years from now.   When you compare  the 4.5 billion years our planet has been around to the almost 15 billion years the universe has been in existence, our 54 years of searching amounts to  about a hundredth of a  second when compared to a  24 hour clock.

Also, advanced extraterrestrial societies have probably evolved far beyond radio communications by now.  Recognizing signals from them might be comparable to a primitive tribe deep in the jungle listening for evidence of a larger world unable to pick up vast amounts of information from the internet flying all around them.

Even a radio signal from a civilization only slightly more advanced than us would be difficult to pick up. You’d have to be at the right frequency at the right time and be very lucky.

Imagine reading  in a  newspaper about an upcoming  television preview you’ve been waiting to see. The article however, neglects to list the day, time or channel it will appear.  In a world where  cable television may carry over two hundred channels, the odds of finding it are almost impossible. 

SETI’s search for alien radio transmissions is a thousand fold more difficult.

To decrease those odds, scientists theorized that a good place to look for extraterrestrial signals would be at a place called the waterhole.  It’s a  place on Earth where all species gather to drink and in the radio spectrum it lies between emissions of hydrogen and hydroxyl.  You combine the two and you’ve got a water molecule. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the galaxy and water one of the key ingredients of life as we know it.  Since aliens would probably know this, it seemed like a logical place to find an extraterrestrial signal.  It is also an area where terrestrial communications is prohibited which makes it very quiet.    

Still, SETI has yet to come up with any confirmed hits. 

The endless listening has occasionally been interrupted by signals that got pulses racing but then turned out to be nothing. 

But not all of them. 

On an August night in 1977 the Big Ear Radio Telescope at the University of Ohio picked up a strong narrow beam signal sent from somewhere in the constellation Sagittarius that lasted for  72 seconds.  It appeared at the frequency that scientists had expected aliens might use and  looked so much like an extraterrestrial signal, the lead researcher wrote and circled  Wow by the numbers. The Wow signal has become so well known that in addition to numerous articles and blogs, a book was written about it. There is also a large selection of  Wow shirts that can be bought on the internet.  It is still considered by many to be the best candidate for an extraterrestrial radio signal ever discovered.

And there have been others.  Not as famous as the Wow signal, but unexplained nevertheless.

In March of 2003 SETI@home picked up a signal labelled SHGb02+14a with a source somewhere between the constellations Pisces and Aries. It  was observed 3 times at a frequency of 1420 MHz which is right in the waterhole.

In 2010 SETI picked up a strong narrow band signal that lasted 10 seconds. It originated from a star very similar to ours, potentially habitable and about 100 light years away.  Once  again,  it appeared exactly where scientists predicted a signal to be and exhibited all the characteristics they expected an extraterrestrial signal to have.

No one has ever come up with an adequate explanation of what these signals  were and despite numerous attempts to reacquire them, they never repeated themselves. Had they, our world would have changed dramatically.

Perhaps they were the alien equivalent of one time bursts of radar like we use to probe the moon, or a snippet of a ship to ship communication that  happened to briefly align with Earth before moving on.  They could also have  been part of a radio beacon sweeping past us like a lighthouse beam and  we were  lucky enough to just catch a piece before it passed by or switched off.

We don’t have enough time or funds to sit on one wavelength 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.  It is conceivable, those signals may have repeated in the years since their initial discovery,  but we  happened to be listening to other frequencies at the time.

A few have asked should we be doing more than just listening?   

Beaming  radio signals to the stars  is called Active SETi and it has become a controversial subject. Michael Michaud, former member of the SETI Permanent Group says that sending out a strong SETI signal could be dangerous. It might bring  us to the attention of an advanced civilization that had not previously known of our existence.  We cannot assume that such a civilization would be benign.  

Biologist Michael Archer states  that any creature we contact also  had to claw its way up the evolutionary ladder and will be every bit as nasty as we are, if not more.  Others go even further by saying that extraterrestrials will probably show innate contempt for human beings and a civilization that blurts out its existence would be like early humans descending from trees and saying “here kitty” to a sabre toothed tiger.

If they are right, that would probably explain the lack of repetitive signals.  There could be predators around those waterholes.  Aliens would surely subscribe to the same notion which means nobody would be broadcasting anything.  

So, why  listen if civilizations are silent, worrying about some Evil Empire turning their society into dust?

independence dayPhysicist Freeman Dyson states  that “Our business as scientists is to search the universe and find out what is there.  What is there may conform to our moral sense or it may not. It is just as unscientific to impute to remote intelligences wisdom and serenity as it is to impute to them irrational and murderous impulses. We must be prepared for either possibility and conduct our searches accordingly.”

A scientist friend used to tell a joke that had its roots from an episode of The Twilight Zone. “Two different malnourished aliens walked into the UN carrying papers stating they wanted to serve mankind. When asked why, alien #1 says that he wants to grind us up and use the pieces as food to feed his race.  Alien #2 responds by saying that he wants to do whatever he can to bring peace and prosperity to the human race. The Secretary General of the UN  is asked by a subordinate which one they should embrace and  he replies, “definitely #1.  Never trust a liar.”

Seth Shostak, chief astronomer for SETI says that we can no better guess the motivation of alien intelligence than goldfish can guess ours.

Carl Sagan believed that civilizations advanced enough to survive self annihilation had probably long ago overcome their violent tendencies and would be more like cosmic ambassadors.

Within 20 years we should start getting some answers.  As telescopes get more sophisticated, not only will we probably discover life within our solar system, we should  be able to find the bio-signatures of life on exoplanets and may have even detected an extraterrestrial signal.  

close encountersActual contact would probably be not far down the road from there.

Arthur C. Clarke once said, “there are two possibilities. Either we are alone in the universe or we are not.   Both are equally terrifying.”

I think finding out we are alone would be a lot  more frightening.  

But that’s not going to happen, because they’re out there. 

I just hope they are more like Close Encounters than Independence Day!

If you would like to purchase the movie independence Day click here: Independence Day [Blu-ray]ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B000WQWPKA

If you would like to purchase the movie  Close Encounters of the Third Kind click here: Close Encounters of the Third Kind [Blu-ray]ir?t=paranortalkra 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B004HZY8OS


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