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Year-long Stay on ET Base – Part Four

UFOs In France

Continued from Part Three –

Q: I’d like to ask about their physical aspect. You said they were very tall, and also, in your opinion where did they come from?

RL: They said they came from a neighboring galaxy. Maybe it’s been detected by now, I don’t know, but at the time, they said the galaxy they came from wasn’t known to our scientists. As to their appearance, they looked more or less like us, they were white, about six and a half feet tall, except for the arms which are longer than ours. And the eyes were like our Japanese or Chinese, but not horizontal like us, they were slightly slanted.

Q: They had hair?

RL: Yes, they had hair.

Q: The women too? Were they pretty?

RL: Oh yes, very beautiful. I almost fell in love. (Laughter)

GD: At one point they described how their engines functioned and there’s an explanation in the book for what it’s worth, it’s good, they try to explain fairly indepth how their spaceships work and the different types they use.

RL: Yes, that’s right I asked them about that because they are spacecraft which can remain in the air without limit. They made me a drawing and explained that under the spaceship there is a big circle with two rings, rotating in opposite directions. That produces energy, enough for an atomic bomb. They said it was unlimited.
They said that their technicians could remove the engine in my Peugeot in less than an hour and replace it with a little box much smaller than the engine. I could then drive around without gas as long as it worked, and when my car finally broke down, the little box would still work.

Q: It’s the principal of free energy?

RL: I don’t know what it’s called.

Q: How can they come from so far away?

RL: They come from so far because they said they don’t travel in a straight line, they don’t like straight lines. They said they were more clever than that, they pass through a kind of corridor. They said if it’s rather long, you can compress time, you go backwards and that allows you to arrive in the amount of time you want and much faster.

Q: A simple question: one year is a long time. What was your typical day like?

RL: A typical day of work—in the morning I washed and had breakfast. We had a session of yoga, then I went for a walk. We discussed things, they taught me things, I think I forgot most of it, I should have noted it down.

Q: Their writing? Their alphabet?

RL: No, I only saw the sign, a symbol you could say, it’s in the book. No, I don’t have a response for everything. In fact I believed that there were other people, too. I even asked them if they’d contacted a lot of people. They said that the Federation had contacted about 300,000 people on the planet at the time.

Q: So what are the consequences for humanity?

RL: I think that what I’m going to say, everyone can sense it—that we’re under surveillance 24 hours a day, that they’re watching us, they prevent us from doing certain things, they prevent us from going into space I think. The told me, as long as your behavior is aggressive, as long as you want to finance things at all costs, as long as you want to destroy your world, you will destroy it. And since you are capable of destroying another, we have to keep an eye on you.

Q: Do you think they have already been introduced into certain milieus, that they’re already on the Earth?

RL: Absolutely, I think that everybody is aware of that. Yes, the military knows about it.

Q: Do they spy, do they observe? Do they report things?

RL: Yes, but you know, they have the means. I won’t get into it, no, I don’t have the authority to reveal any Q: It’s the principal of free energy?

RL: I don’t know what it’s called.

Q: How can they come from so far away?

RL: They come from so far because they said they don’t travel in a straight line, they don’t like straight lines. They said they were more clever than that, they pass through a kind of corridor. They said if it’s rather long, you can compress time, you go backwards and that allows you to arrive in the amount of time you want and much faster.

Q: A simple question: one year is a long time. What was your typical day like?

RL: A typical day of work—in the morning I washed and had breakfast. We had a session of yoga, then I went for a walk. We discussed things, they taught me things, I think I forgot most of it, I should have noted it down.

Q: Their writing? Their alphabet?

RL: No, I only saw the sign, a symbol you could say, it’s in the book. No, I don’t have a response for everything. In fact I believed that there were other people, too. I even asked them if they’d contacted a lot of people. They said that the Federation had contacted about 300,000 people on the planet at the time.

Q: So what are the consequences for humanity?

RL: I think that what I’m going to say, everyone can sense it—that we’re under surveillance 24 hours a day, that they’re watching us, they prevent us from doing certain things, they prevent us from going into space I think. The told me, as long as your behavior is aggressive, as long as you want to finance things at all costs, as long as you want to destroy your world, you will destroy it. And since you are capable of destroying another, we have to keep an eye on you.

Q: Do you think they have already been introduced into certain milieus, that they’re already on the Earth?

RL: Absolutely, I think that everybody is aware of that. Yes, the military knows about it.

Q: Do they spy, do they observe? Do they report things?

RL: Yes, but you know, they have the means. I won’t get into it, no, I don’t have the authority to reveal any

Q: Why wait 40 years to deliver your message?

RL: Because if I had delivered it at the time, with certain things I would maybe have been committed to an insane asylum.

Q: So for 40 years, what contacts have you had?

RL: No, I already said, I haven’t had any contact, but I had another way of working. Understand who will!

Q: When you say they forbid us from leaving the planet, it’s a bit strange, because what’s happening at the moment with the space station, and we’ve gone from the nuclear threat of the last 50 years to, just the contrary, a brotherly collaboration if you will with our advanced technology. So what is the danger, what would be the danger for others?

RL: You would need to explain what happened at the American nuclear site. So while in space there’s a third dimension, God that is, and it’s like—I think if they had let us, the military, the scientists, do what we wanted, I think there would be a lot of damage and maybe we’d have a hard time eating.

GD: There’s an indirect proof of this surveillance, you explained to us in the book, that they wouldn’t hesitate to neutralize the American and Russian atomic sites. Now there was a conference not long ago in Washington where high-ranking military explained that this happened. We already knew it, but they admitted it in a press conference and so I think that it’s clear that this surveillance is really happening and even in France, near Plateau d’Albion, there is very strong testimony to the same effect.

Q: So that’s it—there won’t be any more conflict!

RL: I don’t know. This is how I see it: it’s true there are wars, conflicts, and as long as we are still limited, it’s not bothering them too much but they see that we are capable of destroying ourselves, so what else are we capable of destroying? You only destroy the physical support. When somebody dies, he’s taken care of, because we’re not capable. They talked to me about the Second World War, there were millions of dead, people die all the time. It’s the physical support. Humanity lacks humility, because we always want to analyze things, even judge what happens in the beyond, with our knowledge which has been extremely out of date for a long time. We have nothing to do with their science, with their technology, with their spirituality. This is the big problem problem of human beings on Earth. Our economic system only functions if we produce more, we’re consumers, we have to consume, if we don’t consume the system collapses. Their organization isn’t like that. That’s why we search for shale oil, that’s why we drill holes in the planet, that’s why we bleed it to death, and that’s why after a while it starts to get sick of it. It’s going to take a deep breath. You’ll see how humanity’s going to be ejected.

Q: But maybe they’ll help us in that case? Why don’t they give us the key if they have it?

RL: The key! It’s simple—we are the key—it’s up to our leaders to see to it that the system is abandoned. The system isn’t good. Another thing I noticed that no one talks about, no one will talk to you about it, even me I shouldn’t talk about it.

Q: Excuse me, I’d like to make a remark because you say that the extra-terrestrials that you met don’t want us to leave the planet to go elsewhere because of our past and our psychology, our defects if you will. So we know as well as the American cosmonauts who talked about it 40 years later that we’re not welcome on the moon, but at the same time, they come to get human genetic material to implant it on other planets, so they’re sure to bring them war and destruction. I don’t understand.

RL: It’s not complicated, the physical body—it’s genetics, but the spirit that lives in the physical body is maybe completely different. The mind-set, the mentality, it’s up to each one to build it, to modify it.

Q: Do you have the spirit of a warrior?

RL: Yes. It’s up to each one to modify his or herself, you have to begin by knowing yourself, by changing yourself, by studying yourself. Is my way of projecting myself in the universe, my manner of living, of relating to others going to produce a negative effect—we can expand on that for hours.

Q: At one point you spoke of transit, can you say a bit more about changing one’s state of consciousness?

RL: I think the people need it explained to them. There’s a lack, because you have to work on the mental— that demands a lot of technique which I learned. I was talking awhile ago about the level of concentration and the projection of thought, so it demands work. You have to look at what you’re doing, and that can be dangerous during a transit or a trip. If you want to project your mental body into your true body, there’ll be a loss of energy in the physical body, that means there’s a transfer. After a certain time, you’ll arrive at a point zero. I call it the “zero point”. At the zero point you have a false energy in the mental body, and practically none in the physical body. So if you want to move your arm, your arm won’t move because there’s no energy left, you understand, so it causes panic, if there is panic in the energy, the heart accelerates or slows down and you risk a heart attack, you risk death. I learned to work with this in India. It’s not a joke. There are people who ask me to teach it to them; no, I can’t, not only am I not authorized to do so, I wouldn’t do it. As much as it’s effective, if it’s badly done it’s dangerous. Even I am very, very careful, especially with others because you have to respect people, respect who they are. If you go to their home like that, we don’t go to people’s homes incognito. We can move around in the universe, all over the place, you get information, but it’s the silence. I’ve become a servant of silence.

Q: Do you have other revelations concerning the near future, and your mission?

RL: That will depend on the evolution of humanity, it will depend if there are conflicts, if the planet starts moving, it won’t depend just on me. At the moment, maybe there will be thousands of people who are going to stand up to calm and improve the human condition. I have to say it. If not, with a simple ball an inch or so in diameter, they can destroy all life on the planet in less than fifteen minutes. You know they won’t do it. It’s not their role and they don’t have the right anyway. That’s not done anymore, maybe it was done millions of years ago when there were a lot of planets in the development phase. Now there are a lot of planets which are in a state of great evolution and all that, all those wars are finished.

Q: Unless I’m wrong, all during your speech you made reference to the scientific community, so I would like to know if at the time that you saw the spacecraft on your property behind the house, and when for example they arrived in your room, did you note the hour, some details, etc.? At the place where this cigar thing touched down, was the scientific community aware of it, did they come, were any measurements taken? You yourself saw the grass crushed. You said that it was very hot, so maybe a burn?

RL: No, I never thought of looking for all that.

Q: When you were in discussion with these people, you spoke a lot about life, but according to them, is there life after death?

RL: Yes, of course. It’s simply—even religions say it, it’s a bit crude—it’s the separation of the spirit from the body. What is the spirit, it’s the true being. When we expand our circle we are absolutely marvelous beings. We have to work first of all. It will come in good time. You realize it took me forty years. We’re not far. Scientists are not far now from creating a device which permits you to follow along as the mental body and the true body separate. I think we’re not far off. In what year are they going to do that—in 30 years? Maybe in 30 years the human race will have advanced. You know at the time they told me we were so aggressive we were going to destroy ourselves, they were obliged to intervene simultaneously at Russian and American nuclear bases.

Q: Did your visitors give you any information about 2012?

RL: No, nothing.

Investigators: Georges Metz, Gérard Deforge (GD), Jean-Claude Venturini Transcription: Jacqueline Pujet Translation: Brenda Croghan

“Ovnis en France” (UFOs in France), ©2012 by Georges Metz published by Editions Interkeltia, France Includes an in-depth report on the Robert L. affair The excerpts below are messages given by the visitors, as recalled by Robert L.

Contact: “Ovnis en France” (UFOs in France), ©2012 by Georges Metz published by Editions Interkeltia, France

Includes an in-depth report on the Robert L. affair The excerpts below are messages given by the visitors, as recalled by Robert L.

Excerpts from ‘Ovnis en France’

RL: I was raised in the Catholic religion, the priest told us that those who did not follow this religion would never see God, and that children who weren’t baptized wouldn’t go to heaven. What should I believe?

GUIDE: All that is the nonsense of those who represent the religions and think that theirs is the best.

Roro, there is what people think, and what is for us the order of the Universe. What we call the order of the Universe is the group of all the laws and the manifestations of nature which govern life: birth, aging, death, the movement of the planets, their creation, their organisation, their evolution, the movement of the solar systems, from the greatest to the most miniscule molecule. All that has nothing to do with the sectariansim and the pride of the various representatives of the world’s religions.

You, as well as all the creatures from whatever universe, belong to a plan organized by the energetic forces which go way beyond anything you could conceive on Earth: yes Roro, you are a child member of the Universe and you have a role to play.

We are proposing to you a close collaboration with us, of course it won’t be easy for you, instead of being a farmer as you wanted, we are going to propose a training and practice of techniques which are going to transform you quickly. We need you for an important mission which is going to allow a planet far away in another galaxy to progress.

In exchange we’re going improve your health, I believe you suffer from terrible migraines, we’re going to take care of that if you want. You have everything to gain. We’re going to come to see you often. In return we ask you not to speak of this to anyone.

Absolute silence, and we know that we can count on you.

RL: It’s true that I have terrible headaches, but if you come often, the neighbors are going to notice with the powerful lights of yours.

BIOLOGIST: We are populating a new planet in our galaxy and for that we need people with different physical characteristics with regard to blood groups, and other characterists of the composition of human cells for the repopulation. It starts from a distant level, then during centuries and millenniums the blood relations become closer, diminishing the solidity of the race after thousands of years of inbreeding, and leading to massive destruction of entire populations. This requires large-scale cross-fertilization, or the modification of the framework of the physical body. RL: At the time I didn’t understand, but now I think she was talking about the human genome.

GUIDE: Your planet is mistreated. The extraction of various minerals, coal and petrol risks ultimately modifying the magnetic field of the planet. At the same time the Earth will be passing through a zone of turbulence in space. Nothing stops. all the planetary systems reposition, some further away, others approach, the dance of the Universe. Universes die, others are born.

Your governments are afraid of us. Why? Are they uncomfortable not being alone in the Universe? They know very well that we don’t want to harm any inhabitants; they are partially aware of the capacity of our technology. Why don’t they want to tell the citizens?

They ridicule the reports of those who have seen us and have spoken up. So the Interplanetary Confederation decided to show our capacity to the greatest number of people possible. The world over needs to know that we exist and that Manifest Intelligence is everywhere in the Universe. RL: Will there be contact later?

GUIDE: The directors of the solar sysems will decide, but only in the next century (that is, the 21st century).

Our planet, as well as those who have access to a high level of technology are managed by a planetary government, and this is controlled by a group of “scientists”, citizens who have significant experience in most of the domains which concern our life. These scientists who we call “soul pollsters” form a network throughout the entire solar system.

They can read the deepest and most secret thoughts. They see people not as they wish to be seen, but as they really are. These scientists are greatly feared by our inhabitants, and even by our directors, because with their thoughts they can manipulate matter. They have a particular status, and don’t need a vessel for travelling. In our worlds, dissent, disobedience, cheating with respect to our morals or our code of ethics is severely punished. On the other hand we have of course great individual liberty: to walk about, visit other planets. Most of the inhabitants of our worlds have visited planets more or less evolved.

Sometimes travel is organized in enormous vessels to visit various systems organized in other worlds. Conflicts, wars, but also what is good in these organizations is studied and shown to our people, as comparison. They realize that any deviation from what has been established for us is ultimately very dangerous. The necessity of order, of discipline, desire to progress and to be useful. Laziness is not permitted with us.

Each one works according to his own competence.

Each one must accept a job which corresponds to his skill. If he wants a job inferior to his capacity, his advantages will be less than for one who would accept a job corresponding to his capacity.

The purpose is to continue ascending.

The births on our planet do not happen by chance. They are discussed, evaluated. They are programmed according to genetic components, to need, to the number of inhabitants. Everything is organized.

At a certain age, children enter evaluation centers, followed by training. They leave their parents at about twelve years of age, to assume the task they have been assigned.

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