Dave Hodrien
Dave Hodrien - BUFOG Chairman & Investigator
I have been interested in UFOs for the past 20 years, and for a long time have believed that the phenomena is real and occurring world-wide. I look at the subject with both an open and analytical mind. Since becoming the lead investigator for the Birmingham UFO Group, I have personally investigated hundreds of UFO sightings and contact experiences, many from around the area of Birmingham, but others from elsewhere in the UK and abroad. My reports on these incidents can be found elsewhere on the site. I have a particular interest in the contact aspect of the subject, and work closely with a hypnotherapist during particular investigations.
I am experienced in giving lectures on cases I have investigated, and have spoken at numerous conferences. I am also a regular contributor to UFO Matrix and Paranormal magazine. If you would like to book me for a talk, or wish to discuss an experience you have had, please contact me via E-Mail: [email protected]