David Munday
dmondeo a.k.a David Munday A child of the mid fifties and sixties he is no stranger to the paranormal. His interest in UFO's started when he was a teenager after having seen strange things in the sky. A vivid dream in which he was told to join the "Universal Church" led him into Christianity and temporarily shelved his Ufology interest. He say's that is where he learned to Love all life,he met his wife and it also provided a good foundation for when his interest in Ufology was rekindled these past few years when he underwent a paradigm shift. David has had flashes of intuitive knowledge given him in the past, one event involved him being woken at 3am in the morning with the image of a friend he hadn't seen for months flashing before his eyes and the word suicide across his friends forehead. With a sense of urgency David immediately phoned his friend and told him what he had seen. His friend admitted that he was contemplating suicide at that moment. David is the author of the children's book 'The Secret Dummy of Joshua Bean' and also writes humorous poetry when he has time.