John DiNardo
Over the past eight years, I have been studying the evidence which warns of the approach of the massive celestial body, officially named by the astronomical community, "Planet X." In 2002, the clear ring of truth struck me after merely reading the bylines of Mark Hazlewood's book, BLINDSIDED. Ever since then, I have avidly studied the myriad of ancient historical evidence and modern scientific evidence about the cometary orbital intrusions of this giant planet into our Solar System, which provoke electrostatic, magnetic, and gravitational molestations of Earth at regular intervals of about 3,600 years. These recurring celestial assaults upon Earth scientifically explain the major global catastrophes that have occurred throughout the ages, including the Great Flood of Noah's day, and the ten catastrophic plagues upon Egypt, described in the Book of Exodus, as well as the coming Earth catastrophes, which are prophesied in the Book of Revelation. ?At Kean University, I received my degree in Science Education, with most of my ?electives in physics and biology. I taught high school physics, and then returned to electronics, which was my original career during four and a half years of service in the Marine Corps. ?Working for electronics companies of differing product lines, I gained diverse experience in the principles and analysis of electronic circuitry , and with additional academic credits, advanced to design analog and digital electronic circuits of various functionality, serving twenty years with Bell Telephone Laboratories, plus my final two years with Mobile-Vision Inc., the leading manufacturer of police car video systems. The moment I heard about Mark Hazlewood's book, "BLINDSIDED ..." concerning the approach of a Jupiter-class planet into our Solar System, I knew it was true. Without any prior knowledge, mine was a spiritual realization -- the kind of intuitive inspiration which many, both past and present, have received. I feel that this understanding and the compulsion to alert people was God influencing me to join with others in carrying out the following principle of His scriptures: "Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom." PROVERBS 9:10. It is clear to me that God has made this proverb especially poignant and imperative for all of humankind in these Last Days of this World. Most emphatically, the paramount plea to inspired people of our day is: "Be a Noah. Be a Jonah."? ? John DiNardo? 973 263-8418 Graduated from the Naval Air Technical Training Center in Memphis, Tennessee, as scholastic honor man in the aviation electronics technicians school. Honorably discharged from 4 1/2 years of service in the Marine Corps.
Earned the Bachelor's Degree in Science Education from Kean University, Union, New Jersey. Graduated with a 3.44 grade-point average out of a possible 4.00, the highest scholastic average among the class of science majors. Inducted into Kappa Delta Pi nationwide scholastic honor society.
Taught six physics classes per day to twelfth grade students at Governor Livingston Regional High School in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey.
Completed evening college courses in electrical engineering, and in advanced mathematics (differential equations) at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Performed troubleshooting, fault analysis, and design of electronic circuitry, working for numerous corporations, including Bendix Avionics and Dynalco Corporation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and with McGraw-Edison Corp. and Industrial Timer Corp., both in New Jersey. Worked for twenty years as an electrical engineer and designer of electronic circuitry with Bell Telephone Laboratories in Whippany, New Jersey . Finished my career as an electrical engineer and electronic circuit designer with Mobile-Vision Inc., the leading manufacturer of police car video systems.
A long career in electronics, plus a college education in the scientific field of physics, have given me the knowledge of electricity and magnetism necessary to understand the nature of our electrically driven Solar System.