Nick Redfern
Pelsall Comprehensive School, Pelsall, West Midlands, England, 1976-1981.
Employed as a staff-writer for Zero – a British Magazine on rock music and fashion.
Worked as a freelance feature-writer/journalist for the following British Newspapaers: the London Daily Express; the People; the Western Daily Press; the Express & Star; and the Planet on Sunday (as a full time feature writer).
Worked as a freelance journalist for the folling magazines in Britan: The Weekender (a monthly newsstand magazine on fashion news, the world of entertainment, music and lifestyles); Animals, Animals, Animals (a monthly, newsstand magazine for children on animals); Pet Reptile (a monthly newsstand magazine for reptile enthusiasts); Military Illustrated (a monthly, Anglo-American, newsstand publication on military history); Eye Spy (a monthly, Anglo-American newsstand magazine on the subject of espionage); The Unopened Files (a bi-monthly, newsstand magazine on espionage); The XFactor (a bi-weekly, newsstand magazine on unsolved mysteries); UFO Magazine (a monthly newsstand magazine on UFO’s); Alien Encounters (amonthly, newsstand magazine on UFO’s).
A Covert Agenda: The British Government’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed
Published by: Simon & Schuster, London
Book Author: Nick Redfern
This book was published in the UK, Canada, Russia, Poland, Austrailia, New Zealand and Portugal.
The FBI Files: The FBI’s UFO Top Secrets Exposed
Published by: Simon & Schuster, London
Book Author: Nick Redfern
This book was published in the UK, Canada, Russia, Poland, Austrailia, New Zealand and Portugal.
Cosmic Crashes: The incedible Story Of The UFO’s The Fell To Earth
Published by: Simon & Schuster, London
Book Author: Nick Redfern
This book was published in the UK, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand and Portugal.
2001 – To Date:
Nick Redfern has run the U.S. Office of the British-based Center for Fortean Zoology, which is dedicated to investigating mysterious animals such as Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster.
Strange Secrets: Real Government Files on The Unknown
Published by: Simon & Schuster, New York
Book Author: Nick Redfern
Three Men Seeking Monsters: Six Weeks In Persuit of Werewolves, Lake Monsters, Giant Cats, Ghostly Devil Dogs, and Ape-Men
Published by: Simon & Schuster, New York
Book Author: NIck Redfern
Paraview, New York, published a first-time US Edition of Nick Redfern’s book
June 2005
Body Snatchers In The Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story
Published by: Simon & Schuster, New York
Book Author: Nick Redfern
Nick continues to write in a regular freelance capacity for the London Daily Express newspaper, UFO Magazine; and Fate Magazine.
On the Trail of the Saucer Spies: UFO’s and Government Surveillance
Published by: Anomalist Books, New York
Book Author: Nick Redfern
Celebrity Secrets: Government Files on the Rich and Famous
Published by: Simon & Schuster, New York
Book Author: Nick Redfern
In July 2007, Nick’s book Man-Monkey: In Search of the British Bigfoot was published by CFZ Press; and New Page Books published Nick’s Memoirs of a Monster Hunter in September.
In March, Alamah of Mexico published a Spanish-language edition of Nick’s Memoirs of a Monster Hunter.
Consultancy Research:
Nick Redfern has undertaken freelance research in a consultant capacity to the world of entertainment since 2001. He has worked as a consultant to various TV production companies, including (a) Mentorn TV of Britain; (b) Red Star Films of Canada; and (c) the United States’ Sci-Fi Channel.
Nick worked for 12 months as the co-editor of the newsstand magazine Phenomena. He has had widespread experience of editing articles for length, clarity, grammar and punctuation to the high levels required for, and expected by, newsstand publications. He has also ghostwritten and edited a number of published books for authors.
He has also worked full-time as a consultant to several authors, conducting research on their behalf.
TV/Lecture/Media Appearances:
Nick has appeared on more than 60 TV shows to promote his books and his research. In the late summer of 2004 he traveled to Puerto Rico for two weeks with a film team from the Sci-Fi Channel’s series, Proof Positive, to make a documentary about the Chupacabras. He appeared on the MSNBC show Countdown with Keith Olbermann on February 9, 2005. He also traveled to Puerto Rico in September 2005 to make a show about the Chupacabras for Canada’s Space Channel. He has lectured at a variety of conferences, including the Laughlin UFO Congress (in 1998 and 2001); the Mutual UFO Network Conference in 2004; the Aztec UFO Conference in 2003; the Texas Bigfoot Research Conference in 2004; at numerous events for the British-based UFO Magazine between 1997 and 2000 (now closed); and at the UFO Crash Retrieval Conference in Las Vegas (in 2003, 2004, 2005, and 2006).