Steve Hammons
Author of two novels about a U.S. Government and military joint-service research team investigating unusual phenomena. Mission Into Light and the sequel Light's Hand introduce readers to the ten women and men of the "Joint Reconnaissance Study Group" and their exciting adventures exploring the unknown. Both novels are available from the Barnes & Noble Web site and other booksellers worldwide. Visit his online site, Joint Recon Study Group, at:
Posts by Steve Hammons (92)
- Movie ‘2012’ Helps Prepare Us For The Future
- Human-looking extraterrestrials secretly in U.S.?
- Extraterrestrials in the news, and maybe in America
- Awareness grows about extraterrestrials, consciousness, emerging mysteries
- Intelligence officials have unique approach on UFOs, extraterrestrials?
- UFOs, extraterrestrials invade 1800s Arizona in ‘Cowboys and Aliens’ movie
- Beyond UFOs and extraterrestrials: Human consciousness
- Extraterrestrials may not need UFOs to visit Earth
- Journalism’s dilemma – covering weird science, UFOs, extraterrestrials
- UFO, extraterrestrial disclosure linked to public readiness
- What would public readiness officer say on UFOs, extraterrestrials, edge science?
- Extraterrestrials and UFOs: Disclosure, acclimation, security work together
- Can troops find hidden bombs with sixth sense?
- Science journalism faces media changes, emerging discoveries
- Arizona: Land of beauty, mystery, UFOs and extraterrestrial visitors
- Bigelow Aerospace’s new website enhances view of space efforts
- New book and movie planned seeking truth about UFOs
- ‘Colbert Report’ TV show discusses O’Hare airport UFO
- UFOs seen by military, civilian pilots are important clues
- ‘Colbert Report’ TV show discusses O’Hare airport UFO
- New UFO book errs on pilot sightings, says NBC News analyst
- Progressive journalist not fully informed on UFOs?
- Game-camera ‘UFO’ photo: Reflection of camera’s internal lights
- UFO question put to candidates in 2007 by NBC’s Tim Russert
- ‘Integrative perception’ useful in health, media, defense
- Movie ‘Avatar’ connects with deep Native American DNA
- Telluride Film Festival held near alleged Aztec UFO crash of 1948
- ‘After Disclosure’ book on UFOs, ET contact due out October 2010
- Views on UFOs, unusual phenomena are evolving in media, general public
- Will ‘Gravity’ movie explore human mind, space, UFOs?
- Phoenix newspaper covers UFOs, interviews author Leslie Kean
- Does NBC’s ‘The Event’ help disclosure on UFOs?
- Strange anti-gravity and UFO incidents described in novel
- Take a closer look at NBC’s ‘The Event’
- Journalists now covering UFOs in serious ways
- UFO technology could help global economy, prosperity
- Air Force veterans’ press conference, NBC’s ‘The Event’ examine visitor contact
- UFO situation challenging for defense, intelligence officials
- NBC’s ‘The Event’ focuses on Arizona: Link to UFO cases?
- TV show ‘The Event’ and book ‘After Disclosure’ seem connected
- Strange visitors in both NBC’s ‘The Event’ and real U.S. intelligence incident?
- Human space travel could benefit from new UFO technology
- Journalism, media keep pace with disclosure on UFOs, edge science
- Ancient viewpoints, new discoveries help explain UFOs, unusual phenomena
- Commercial space travel on the way: Will humanity benefit?
- ‘Jellyfish’ description of New York City UFO matches other cases
- UFO witness reports seem credible: Are we ready for more disclosure?
- Protecting public safety is part of UFO preparedness
- New space planes on suborbital flights may spot UFOs
- UFO disclosure is happening – some people don’t notice
- UFOs and human psychology: Dangers and challenges
- New book ‘A.D. After Disclosure’ helps us handle UFO truths
- Landing zone in ‘Close Encounters’ has American Indian connections
- TV series ‘Dark Skies’ special edition DVD set coming soon
- ESP, ‘sixth sense’ can be part of sports, physical activities
- Teamwork, readiness needed for further UFO disclosure
- Many mysteries involved in disclosure, not just UFOs
- Will a ‘breakthrough event’ help human race and Earth?
- New book ‘A.D. After Disclosure’ examines UFOs and human race
- Human consciousness research connected to UFO disclosure
- Is dimension we call ‘Heaven’ part of UFO disclosure?
- UFO leaks? Open source intelligence already available
- Journalists have responsibilities on UFO disclosure, leaks
- Disclosure on UFOs, mysteries: Explore Southwest’s Four Corners
- ‘Dark Skies’ TV series DVDs available: UFO acclimation, disclosure?
- Maybe disclosure on UFOs, anomalous topics not so mysterious after all
- UFO conference held on down-to-Earth Indian lands in Arizona
- UFO disclosure could involve serious safety issues
- What has meaning in the ‘UFO disclosure’ discussion?
- Consciousness and health studies at U of Arizona explore new paths
- ‘Situation awareness’ is key for consciousness and safe, healthy living
- Advanced UFO technology could affect human progress, Earth’s future
- ESP takes many forms; official documents give limited insight, understanding
- ‘Gravity’ movie, Sandra Bullock could explore human mind, space, UFOs
- Scientific research, Cherokee tales of ‘little people’ give clues about our world
- TV show ‘V’ may reflect real UFOs, ET visitors
- Telluride Film Festival held near Durango, 1948 Aztec UFO crash
- Mysterious phenomena are all around us, and within us
- ESP may be useful in defense, health, survival, unconventional areas
- Troops in the afterlife: Special perspectives, new missions
- What crashed at Roswell? Deceptions may include truths
- Area 51 book is thought-provoking despite Roswell story
- ‘White House press briefing’ on Roswell: National security, public safety, scientific understanding
- If Roswell was extraterrestrial crash, can more details be released?
- Highly-advanced spacecraft to replace space shuttle?
- UFOs reported at US football games: Public close encounters?
- US space activities are increasing … will efforts help average people?
- ‘Dumbed-down’ approaches needed for White House UFO petitions?
- Appropriate security on UFOs probably 2-way street