Henry P. Middlebrook
The Team Captain, the Supreme Ambassador to the Federation of Planets and The Negotiator for the Planet Earth. 11-A4 The Team Captain Meet The Majestic 12 Group The Amazing Grace. © 2007 Henry P. Middlebrook (634479536632) (format: CD-R) The Team Captain? I have nothing else better to do of course. As I said "Together, (All) We Can work it out Here." . 1 11-A4 The Team Captain Meet The Majestic 12 Group The Amazing Grace World Wide response QUESTION? "Excerpt. "That question". God All Mighty/First Source? PROMO 29 22 The Team Captain Meet and Speaks To The World. Harrdrawk (Harry D.) 11/22/2003 5:06 am EST GLP Forum. Re: Mystery Of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!IMPORTANT!!! Fly- by would be a helicopter visit from growling PTB. I´ve decided I´m not on their list of worries yet. Okay, here it is. I printed it and it takes more than a full page if you keep it all. Feel free to alter any of this. It reveals what little I know about the science end. It´s me asking the questions I want someone to answer. Good Luck and don´t laugh. Greetings. As you may or may not be aware, a relatively unknown Public Internet Forum known as Godlike Productions has recently produced what appears to be a growing number of accessible links depicting unsanctioned biological and chemical exercises being conducted on Human Subjects with numbers for names, even as you read this. A topic Thread entitled -- "Mystery of Dr. Dan Burisch !!!Important!!!" and authored by a man from the Netherlands, who uses the Moniker HUMAN SUBJECT #58-001 has attracted various informants from within the Government and Military who are risking their lives to, not only make the public and fellow patriots aware, but also to, {for lack of a better term}, Save The World. Among the many fearful participants in these unethical research programs is a retired Naval Microbiologist named Dr. Dan Burisch, who was missing and presumed dead. Arrangements were made by certain courageous contacts on the inside to allow the living Dr. to be interviewed on a Yahoo site with web cam, by at least 3 (three) different members of the GLP Forum. These personal interviews appear on pages Vol 1 47-49 {starting at page 47 "dondep" 11/13/2003 3:09 am EST} of the Burisch Thread for your review and consideration. (More interviews at => "Libraries") Within the 75 + (Seventy-five +PLUS)(11/22/2003) pages of the Burisch Thread, there are compelling revelations about the signed treaties currently being honored between Human Beings and Extraterrestrial Visitors. The ET presence and cover-up is discussed behind the scenes in a startling matter-of-fact manner, by at least two opposing Factions. Dialogue reveals that the Faction hailing from the darker side would like to obtain permission to increase abductions rates to 10,000,000 (yes, ten million) humans per year, in addition to gaining possession of something called the "LOTUS". This secret treaty, (known as the T9 Treaty in the ET and black-ops community), is allegedly up for renewal shortly. Given the likelihood of an alien presences and in view of such claims, shouldn´t Voters be allowed to decide the parameter of such a treaty? What do you say? Is it okay if we ,(meaning the members of the peaceful faction),give up the Lotus Protocol, and allow an increase in fellow human abductions in the name of peaceful cohabitation?? Or is the abduction quota they now have enough? AUTHORIZED MESSAGE FROM MJ1 Sucker-punch spam with award-winning protection. Try the free Yahoo! Mail Beta. Hello: Marcia. The above Email was a question I wrote to you, to make a good point! It would seem like if God/First Source was Involved and Listening from the above, You would think that everyone would take notice Of that fact. A change like that on the Planet that big can't possibly go unnoticed by God/First source can it? So if there is no where to go what do you do? You get your life straight of course it's not worth the chance of being wrong is it? That would seem kind of like the obvious answer. If the above is correct Our arms are just a little to short to box with God/First Source! And If the Aliens believe in God/First Source, Then you would be thinking Maybe God/First Source is really real? It's kind of hard to Miss the words, All Mighty God, Above don't you think? I got the above quote from the Jeff Rense Interview with Dan when he said I, Quoted. "...Dr. Burisch will not be harmed, nor will anyone else involved with your participant´s investigation of him. I know that some of you have had concerns in that area. Put them to rest, please. The disclosure of information concerning Dr. Burisch may be categorized by each as you may. The information itself has done its job and its impact has assisted in affirming a particular road. What is that, you may ask? The road to peace.... J" Debunk it and you get a real car and Time Machine! lekinser-x.org bottom of page, Your personal answer the question Pease! What do you say? Is it okay if we ,(meaning the members of the peaceful faction),give up the Lotus Protocol, and allow an increase in fellow human abductions in the name of peaceful cohabitation?? Or is the abduction quota they now have enough? AUTHORIZED MESSAGE FROM MJ1 www.angelfire.com/pe/peter7/project_otus/StatusUpdate.html .