William J. Grabowski
William J. Grabowski is the author of THE UNTOLD, described as a fantastic conspiracy-thriller (available on AMAZON). From 1984-1989 he was book-reviewer/interviewer for World Fantasy Award-winning THE HORROR SHOW magazine, earning a nomination from SPWAO as best nonfiction writer. His short fiction, articles, reviews, and interviews with Ray Bradbury, Peter Straub, Clive Barker, J.N. Williamson, Robert Bloch, Colin Wilson and many others have been published in HORRORSTRUCK, FANTASY REVIEW, SOLON HERALD SUN, HAUNTS, 2AM, NIGHTMARE EXPRESS, THE GATE, FORBES.com, NPR's WIRELESS and others. He recently has joined BEWARE THE DARK magazine as a Contributing Editor. Currently he is finishing a nonfiction book, BLACK LIGHT: PERSPECTIVES ON MYSTERIOUS PHENOMENA, and sharing it pre-publication on his blog, THE NIGHT RUN (thenightrun.wordpress.com). His darkly comic novella, JOHNNY FLASH ("An uneasy mix of THE BIG LEBOWSKI and THE X-FILES...") is due out in early 2014.