Does Alien have the technology to imitate the moon and other planetary structures?

Moon 3

Does Alien have the technology to imitate the moon and other planetary structures?

It was Monday night Date 03-05-2015. Moon was shinning at its magnificent level in fact its white light was fascinating me. Suddenly I think why should not take a canvas. At that time I have mobile phone of company Nokia having model 114 with VGA camera. I click a canvas and found that it appears in disco id shape. Initially I had thought it may be because of poor camera quality or environmental issue. I take 4-5 shots and save on the memory card. On the very next day I had decided to take the picture of the moon with the same camera. Result was just opposite moon appears in the clear round shape. Here questions arises was it mere a coincident or something else? I search on Google regarding the issue and found many reports which actually govern the alien capability to imitate planetary structures or to create some sort of illusion. Human eyes are not capable of detecting such illusions because our retina is not able of detect light of very low intensity while electronic camera is blessed with such features.


        Moon 1 0

Taken on 03-05-2015           Taken on 04-05-2105

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