UFO over Southport’s Marshside RSPB 


Report by Pat Regan 


Date: 18 February 2016 @ around 11.00 am.


Weather: Dry with some cloud.





I take many photos of the wonderful birds at Marshside and other wildlife venues. However, I am unsure what this unidentified flying object is within one of my images that I took of whoopers swans.




Above: a nice flight of swans – but what is the object to the right above the bird? 



swan%2Bufo%2B1%2B %2BCopy


Could it be a bird, balloon, aircraft, kite, drone, etc? 



swan%2Bufo%2B1%2B %2BCopy%2B %2BCopy


A close crop of the UFO and it’s evident that it’s circular (or cylindrical) in shape and has light reflecting off the left side, which faces the sun. 


NB. The photos were taken with a sealed lens bridge camera too, ruling out the often quoted sand/dust/dirt interference suffered by DSLR users at times. The light glancing off the UFO was equivalent to the light hitting the swans and this indicates a physical object in the photograph. 


Identified flying objects! 




We do indeed get a few folks flying gliders and quad-copters etc in this area, yet the profile of the  swan UFO in question did NOT fit the bill. 


Below are shots that I have taken ‘without’ any unusual objects in sight… 



whoopers%2B %2BClose%2Bup















I have noted  unidentified objects, of a very similar nature, at local air shows etc before. 





MoD UFO monitoring facility closure that leaves our air space open to potential intruders. 

Anything that opens further debate has to be good. However, without the imagery analysis, resources and proper capabilities (like that previously used, via appropriate MoD facilities) we cannot always be 100% certain what is flying through our air space. Please also read my comments on this link regarding the closure of our MoD UFO monitoring facility. 



As usual – please don’t ‘Shoot the messenger’ folks – I just report sightings as I find them. 


Make of this one what you will… 








If you witnessed  anything unusual do please get in touch? Many UFOs have been reported in the Lancashire and Merseyside areas over the years.


Numerous sightings  have also been reported in my previous UFO books and articles. I make no judgement about the UFO sightings and simply report what witnesses kindly bring my way.


Pat Regan © 2016



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