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UFO Digest Newsletter August 23, 2012

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This week I would like to thank Chris Holly for her continued support and almost endless supply of excellent articles. Visit her website: and read Chris Holly’s latest ‘Strange Orbs Continue Over Long Island in August.’ We begin with an exclusive article by Sean Casteel about Richard Dolan’s Breakaway Civilization and The Secret Space Program… Then Kerstin Ubelacker launches an expedition to discover Ghost Rockets! Diane Tessman wonders if aliens die? I relate news about UFOs over Holland. Scott Corrales writes about Monsters in Our Midst and reports on Humanoids or Religious Phenomena? The Examiner’s Jon Kelly tells of an ultra bright UFO that was mistaken for the ISS. Broadcaster Kevin Smith analyses the Tycho Facility on the moon! Author Pat Regan compares Harry Potter to Peter Swift. Steve Erdmann writes about when ‘it’ came to LA. Carolyn Shield compares Da Vinci and Neanderthal Man. These are just a few of this week’s new articles. Visit UFO Digest and discover what else is new. Dirk

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Richard Dolan’s Breakaway Civilization and The Secret Space Program – Who is Responsible? by Sean Casteel. It is evident that our own space agency, NASA, or some agency from another earthly country, seems to be wandering around up on the Lunar as well as the Martian surfaces. And furthermore, they seem to be most vigorous in their ongoing efforts, which our government and military are keeping as hush-hush as they possibly can, though to many the proverbial cat has escaped from the bag. More…

Expedition Searches Lake For Ghost Rockets by Kerstin Übelacker.. For more than 30 years an unknown object has rested on the bottom of a lake in the north of Sweden. In a couple of weeks UFO-Sweden will lead an ambitious expedition to try and find the object. Coming along will be a professional diving team, the original witnesses Liz and Bo Berg, a support team, a chef and a documentary team. The case, previously classified by the Swedish military as Top Secret, will take them to a lake located deep in the forests of northern Sweden. To ensure that no stone is left unturned, they are bringing nearly a ton of specialist equipment including inflatable boats, underwater cameras, a side sonar scanner and metal detectors. They aim to scan the lake bed and use the diving team to inspect any unusual looking sonar scans. More…

Do Aliens Die? by Diane Tessman. Every living creature dies – or does it? If an individual was abducted in 1952 by a seemingly young human-looking alien, is this alien now an old alien? If he had a human lifespan, he might well be dead by now. Or does he look the same as he did in 1952? And what if some aliens are energy-forms or light-forms, do they ever die? Obviously I do not know the answers to my questions but I’d like to share some thoughts on aliens and death or “death.” More…

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Strange Orbs Continue Over Long Island in August by Chris Holly. My family and I are still on our summer’s vacation however I felt it important to report the fact that I am being sent reports from those living along the South Shore of Long Island concerning strange lights, objects and Orbs. I was sent an email by a man who reported yet another strange sighting of an unidentified object along the South Shore of Long Island New York that I felt should be shared right away. More…

UFOs Over Spijkenisse Holland by Dirk Vander Ploeg. Publisher’s Note: I have been in contact with a couple from Spijenisse, Holland. Suzan and Ron. They have sent this brief UFO sighting report plus some very unusal photos. According to Wikipedia – Spijkenisse is a town and municipality in the western Netherlands, in the province of South Holland. The municipality had a population of 74,482 in 2006, and covers an area of 30.23 km². It is part of the Rotterdam Metropolitan Area. More…

Monsters in Our Midst by Scott Corrales.. The concept of other creatures sharing our planet – creatures that do not fit into the accepted taxonomy – can be challenging under the best of circumstances. While it is true that great portions of the Earth remained unexplored, or poorly explored, these mysterious entities are not in the middle of the Guyana Highlands but manifesting themselves in our reality: in the farmland of Argentina and Chile, in rural North America, and even in the Pyrenean region between France and Spain. Sightings and encounters are so fleeting that they are best discounted as optical illusions or the product of active imaginations. More… Also read: Humanoids or Religious Phenomena?

Ultra Bright UFO Mistaken for ISS by Jon Kelly.. A YouTube video from ECETI Ranch offers a new look at the International Space Station sharing late night summer skies with lesser-known objects of high scientific interest. A three-camera array using five separate image sensors captured a UFO that flared to maximum brightness almost directly overhead of witnesses on Friday, August 17, 2012 at approximately 10:00 p.m. PST. The array’s ultra-wide infrared camera shows how the ISS was visible at the same time, travelling east-north-east before entering the Earth’s shadow. More…

The Tycho Facility by Kevin Smith. I recently have aired shows in which I showed photos of a gigantic facility (artificial construction) located in Tycho crater, and the photos were zooms from the photo above. On air, I stated that I had done the zooms and seen the facility but was using someone else’s zooms instead of my own because he obviously had better software and got clearer results. Naturally, this caused the die-hard skeptics to assume something as possibly a bit fishy here. More…

Forget ‘Harry Potter’ – here is the “real deal”… by Pat Regan. ‘Peter Swift and the Secret of Genounia’ is a mystifying English ghost story that just had to be told. It also carries several hidden messages that once learned will never be forgotten. Eleven year old Peter Swift is an ordinary Lancashire schoolboy who is unknowingly about to embark upon a fantastic adventure in time travel and enchantment. More…

When “It” Came to Los Angeles by Steve Erdmann. On February 23, 1942, on a wave of Pearl-Harbor-attack-hysteria, many were convinced that the Japanese came to West Coast Los Angles and encountered the fury of anti-aircraft batteries along Santa Monica, Inglewood, Los Angeles, Long Beach and San Fernando, California that included a complete blackout in a thirty-nine-mile arc which began at 2:26 a.m. Searchlights detected a slow-moving object several thousand feet above the El Segundo oil refineries and the sky was a mass of shelling steel for 15 minutes. It was described in a maze of description from a “blimp”, “a plane”, “planes”, “a shimmering lozenge”, “a triangle”, “triangles”, “fireball”, “butterfly”, “seven planes”, “25 silvery planes in V formation”, “12 airplanes”, “a cloud’, “30 or more aircraft”, “high-flying planes, one to hundreds”, “drifting barrage balloon”, “15 jap planes”, “batch of balloons or kites” as the descriptions mainly given. More…

Leonardo Da Vinci and the Neanderthal Man by Carolyn Shield. A Lost Da Vinci painting may have been found by Fiona McLaren in Scotland. A baby sits on the lap of Mary and he has a Greek foot or Morton’s toe which Da Vinci placed on many subjects in his paintings. Art Historians recognize this is a Da Vinci classic mark and is one of the signs that this painting my be a real Da Vinci painting worth over a hundred million dollars. More…

A Family of Unconventional Explanations – Part One by Frank Carlton. Embarrassing! It is one word but it applies so succinctly to my reaction to a complete inability to assist one family which had observed multiple UFOs near Fort Lee, Virginia in February of 1999. After experiencing an enormous number of run-ins with UFOs and other unknowns, I decided to join a prestigious organization dedicated to studying the UFO phenomenon. This organization just happened to be MUFON, the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object(s) Network. Accolades abound concerning its no nonsense approach to investigating UFO sightings and potential abductions. More…

Mothman Redux: PART 2 by William Grabowski. As many readers of UFO/Paranormal literature know, the “right” questions have been asked (notably by John Keel, Jim Keith, Gray Barker—with qualification, due to Jim Moseley’s admission that he and Barker orchestrated some hoaxes—Timothy Green Beckley, and Loren Coleman) regarding the possible involvement of U.S. intelligence agencies in the Point Pleasant activities. I cannot help but illuminate several dark zones in their material. More…

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“The Skeptical Psychic” – A Revolutionary, Science-based Approach to Intuition by Nancy du Tertre. Are psychics really just psychotic? Why are women more intuitive than men? Is there a Sixth Sense? What do ghosts feel like? Are you skeptical that psychic ability can ever be explained in terms of science? Have you ever wondered what psychics actually “see”? These questions and many more are addressed in Nancy du Tertre’s new book “Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask.” This book explores psychic ability in a brand new way. More…

My 48-Hour Surveillance Tour by Richard Carter. You understand that we are always trying to be aware of our surroundings. We always keep a camera nearby. Yet, there are certain events that stand out above the rest, that are jarring reminders of the reasons we take this so seriously. Two nights ago was just such an evening. More…

Surviving A Serial Killer: How to Recognize an Encounter with a Serial Murderer by Paul Schroeder. Murder is usually a crime of passion, that is, at a murder scene, police usually and almost always suspect a family member, a lover or a spouse as a likely perpetrator first before any crime scene critical analysis comes in to play. These homicidal crimes of passion often include a passionate use of a weapon; given an ice pick, a close family member characteristically leaves dozens of punctures, compared to a select few, from an asocial serial killer. More…

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Thanks Dirk.

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