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Welcome to the Christmas Edition of the UFO Digest Newsletter. All of us wish you and yours all the best for this holiday season. Steve Hammons is back with a new article about UFO and other disclosure. Next, Carolyn Shield comments on the China Lunar Rover Exhibit in Europe. Then, Scott Corrales examines what’s behind dreams, and then reports on unusual light movements and re-examines a 1973 abduction case. Author Jim Bowden has just released a new edition of his book, The Ringer. Give it a read. Sean Casteel wonders if UFOs will hasten the Second Coming. UFOlogist Philip Mantle remains confident that the truth is indeed ‘out there.’ I found an article that claim Mayan Documents prove ET contact, and another about a UFO Detector, and then I file two sighting reports. Warwick Associates informs us a new book about the bloody history of American vampires. Contributor Tony Elliott reports on an exploding meteor over Tucson, Arizona. Lori Carter writes about living after a life-altering event. And finally, Peter Fotis Kapnistos, gives us a lesson on mind control! Merry Christmas Dirk Vander Ploeg and Robert D. Morningstar.

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ARE WE READY FOR UFO AND OTHER DISCLOSURE?… YES OR NO? by Steve Hammons. It’s a question on the minds of many people and has been for several decades now: Can the American and international public deal with information about visitors from other planets and maybe other dimensions? It probably depends on who you ask. It also may depend on how much and what kind of information we are talking about. More…

CHINA LUNAR ROVER EXHIBIT MUSHROOM CLOUD OVER EUROPE: MY TAKE by Carolyn Shield. I have been watching the space race between China and America with interest. I reported on earlier articles that “forbidden zones” on the moon do exist. A NASA retired employee confirmed it. I was told that NASA had connections with the military and to always remember that. The United States has issued warnings that they do not want the Apollo lunar sights disturbed or any equipment removed. China landed its Yutu rover landed in the Mare Imbrium. Apollo 15 had contact with Mare Imbrium and landed on the south-eastern part. It seems Yutu may get to stroll through that Apollo landing sight. More…

BEHIND THE WALL OF SLEEP by Scott Corrales. Research into dreams became mainstream in the 1960s thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. William Dement into the nature of sleep and dreaming. By the 1970s, even astronomer Carl Sagan was venturing into this territory in the pages of his landmark The Dragons of Eden from an anthropological and medical standpoint. “Statistical studies,” he writes, “have been made of the most common categories of dreams – studies which, at least to some extent, ought to illuminate the nature of dreams. In a survey of dreams of college students, the following were, in order, the five most frequent types: (1) Falling; (2) Being pursued or attacked; (3) Attempting repeatedly and unsuccessfully to perform a task; (4) Various academic learning experiences, and (5) Diverse sexual experiences.” More… Also read: ‘LIGHT MOVEMENT’ WITNESSES BY FISHERMEN IN PUERTO MADRYN Also read: THE 1973 DIONISIO LIANCA ABDUCTION REVISITED

THE NEW EDITION OF ‘THE RINGER’ by Jim Bowden. When I wrote The Ringer, I knew I’d been through a hellish extraterrestrial ordeal but came to realize only later just how dangerous and unpredictable my situation was. I had survived but that seemed like only one more hurdle within their torturous game. Because I wouldn’t cooperate with their plan of having me sell out and be included among their kind. I frequently suggested they kill me instead. More…

THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE GNOSTIC SCRIPTURES AND THE SECOND COMING: ARE UFOS THE KEY? by Sean Casteel.While their presence may be more subtle than in other scriptures and religious writings, flying saucers do make numerous appearances in the New Testament and are an integral part of the story of Jesus Christ. In the recent release from Global Communications, “Flying Saucers in the Holy Bible,” the Reverend Virginia Brasington addresses numerous instances where the New Testament makes overt references to miracles and signs that are consistent with what we in the present understand to be UFO-related phenomena. More…

THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE ACCORDING TO PHILIP MANTLE by Neil Hudson. Philip Mantle has met many people who claim to have seen ufos, including those who claim they were abducted by aliens. Neil Hudson lifts the veil on the mystery that won’t go away. The strange light filmed hovering over Leeds recently has reignited the debate about UFOs. Though the sighting is unlikely to answer any fundamental questions, one Yorkshireman is convinced these unexplained phenomena have a deeper meaning. More…

MAYAN DOCUMENTS PROVE EXTRATERRESTRIAL CONTACT: MEXICO GOVERNMENT by Dirk Vander Ploeg. Link below is to a French website with photos and explanations of these artifacts. To translate into English, or many other languages (including Czech, Mirka!), scroll down the right hand column until you get to “Translate.” Looks like this came out in August, 2012, with an eye to 2012 prophecies. The images are quite detailed and amazing, and the interpretations seem entirely plausible. More… Also read: THIS CHRISTIMAS GIVE OR RECEIVE A UFO DECTECTOR Also read: SYDNEY SUBURB HAS UFO FLYOVER Also read: UFOS FLYING IN FORMATION OVER PORTLAND

THE BLOODY TRUE HISTORY OF AMERICAN VAMPIRES by Warwick Associates. Of all the supernatural monsters t hat we know, maybe w e know vampires the best. After al we’ve read about them in books, watched them on film and television and even played them in board and video games. We know all there is to know about them. For instance, we know what the y look like – gaunt and pallid East European noblemen wrapped in dark capes, or some angst-ridden acned teenager attending High School somewhere in America. More…

LATEST EXPLODING METEOR OVER TUCSON, ARIZONA, A PREVIEW OF MORE TO COME by Tony Elliott. Residents of Tucson, Arizona got an early preview of the Germinid meteor shower 12/11/2013 when a shock wave, created by a meteor rattled windows and frightened residents with the resulting sonic boom. Most do not realize since comet ISON atomized during its closest pass around the sun the resulting debris will follow the same path as the comet would have. What this means is earth will begin to experience spectacular meteor showers beginning around the last two weeks of December 2013 and should last into the 3rd week of January of 2014. More…

LIVING AFTER A LIFE ALTERING EVENT by Lori Carter . Whether you are an abductee, a contactee, or just someone who witnessed a UFO and/or its occupants, or if you have experienced something that you consider supernatural or spiritual, your life will change. For some it is a gradual change while for others it changes instantly. It was instantaneous for us. Before our abduction in September of 2009, I didn’t give much thought to aliens, ufos, spirits, ghosts, dimensions or the like. I didn’t scoff at the idea that some, if not all, might exist. More…

HOW TO MIND CONTROL A THOUSAND LOBBYISTS by Peter Fotis Kapnistos. Research in computer science has urbanized artificial intelligence. Can it also draw on mind control? “Red Lights” (2012) is an eerie drama featuring Robert De Niro as a clairvoyant superstar. Simon Silver is first in command in a world of mystics and mind-benders. Contrasting him are Sigourney Weaver and Cillian Murphy, two scientists who make a living debunking psychic phenomena. The film’s director, Rodrigo Cortés, says the paranormal (psychic powers, etc.), which he differentiates from the supernatural, could be phenomena in some cases for which science has yet to find an explanation. More…

This week’s Videos<strong</strong

• Brien Foerster: Parallels In Ancient Sites Found Around The World

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As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.

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Send your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time. Dirk.

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