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UFO Digest Newsletter December 21, 2012


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Well if you are reading this you survived the end of the Mayan Calendar intact. Congratulations! Apparently this is not the end of the world as we know it! Let’s begin with Mary Alice Bennett, who connects the mysteries of Mt. Bugarach, 2012, the Galamus Sator Square, Mayans and the Southern Cross. Next, Diane Tessman, examines the Sri Lanka UFO Flap and more. Then, Pat Regan revises his article on Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar or Revelations, next, Louis Hart writes about today. I am very happy to have an article by Brad Steiger about Angels and Aliens. Peter Fotis Kapnistos contributes Super-Strings and Homeric Style. Doc vega writes about the US Military Response to UFOs and more. Christian Macé draws our attention to more anomalies on Mars. Next, Jon Kelly contributes articles on UFOs in Argentina hynotic OOBEs! Finally, Roger Marsh writes about more black triangles.Have a Merry Christimas from the staff of UFO Digest. Enjoy Dirk

Mt. Bugarach and 12/21/12 – The Galamus Sator Square, the Ancient Mayans, and the Southern Cross by Mary Alice Bennett. This chanting head figure combined with a unique configuration of the ancient Sator square still puzzels visitors to the cavern sanctuary in Galamus Gorge. The word square is in the shape of a cross and in the center are four “T” shapes which face the four directions. So many Templar artifacts have nautical origins, was this carving made by them? More…

Sri Lanka UFO Flap – Air Force Sent Up! Have Aliens Chosen Sri Lanka for Landings? by Diane Tessman. Sri Lanka is involved in one huge UFO flap! It began around November 27th! and as of December 14, 2012, the Sri Lanka Air Force has been ordered into the skies to keep a 24 hour vigil for unidentified flying objects. More…

Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar or Revelations – is doom around the corner? (REVISED) by Pat Regan. Today we hear a great deal about the forthcoming year 2012 and I predict that chatter will increase as it did in a similar fashion towards the run up to the Millennium. Principally, the latest panic is based on a primordial Mayan “long count” calendar, engraved on stone. This according to ‘some’ calculations ends on December 21, 2012 and marks the conclusion of a 5,126-year epoch. More…

2012…The Morning After by Louis Hart. We’re almost there. The end of the Mayan calendar, that super, hyped-up date is only a few days away. Are you ready for it? Some are having their hair done and getting manicures and pedicures in preparation for what’s to come. They want to look their best for whatever is to happen. More… Also read: Previous Me

Aliens We Have Heard On High by Brad Steiger. It seems that every year at the Christmas season some noteworthy scientist or brilliant observer of contemporary culture comes forward with an opinion that the reported actions of aliens and angels are very similar. On December 2, 2012, The Guardian newspaper carried a provocative headline declaring that neurologist Oliver Sacks had commented that today people are more likely to see UFOs and aliens when our ancestors would see angels. More…

Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar or Revelations – is doom around the corner? (REVISED) by Pat Regan. Today we hear a great deal about the forthcoming year 2012 and I predict that chatter will increase as it did in a similar fashion towards the run up to the Millennium. Principally, the latest panic is based on a primordial Mayan “long count” calendar, engraved on stone. This according to ‘some’ calculations ends on December 21, 2012 and marks the conclusion of a 5,126-year epoch. More…

Super-Strings and Homeric Style by Peter Fotis Kapnistos. Homer is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, established in Western customs and acknowledged as the best of ancient Greek epic poets. Most historians place Homer in the 7th or 8th centuries BC. His epics instituted the standard for inspired verse, and have had a huge impact on the history of Western literature. More…

Historic US Military Response To UFO: How Did It Affect Technology? by Doc Vega. You would think that in our modern day variety of vast conveniences supported by the massive technical steps that science has taken that we might know what events influenced our meteoric development. I have spoken to many of those involved in the advancement of telecommunications, electronics, and military weapons who are quite sure that the evolution of human development was not based upon our merits alone. More…

Concrete Block On Mars: Curiosity by Christian Macé. Strange stone sphere photographed on Mars Curiosity December 7, 2012. Above, I indicated by a white arrow where you see this stone sphere is the photo taken by Curiosity December 7, 2012. And I enlarged. More… Also read: Curiosity Photos Strange Stone Sphere on Mars

Argentine UFO at the ethical crossroads in time by Jon Kelly. On December 18, 2012, the Argentine Carlos Paz Vivo reported how a photographer documenting a group of students standing on the waterfront of San Roque Lake in Villa Carlos Paz, Argentina unknowingly lensed a flying saucer that appeared overhead in the background. More… Also read: UFO hacker will not face British trial – Mother relieved Also read: ET contactee describes ecstatic hypnotic OOBE

Black Triangle Lacked Normal Lights! by Roger Marsh. A Pennsylvania witness reported watching a black triangle with five white lights moving low and slow over Phoenixville about 6:30 p.m. on December 19, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. More…

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