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UFO Digest Newsletter December 6, 2012


This week’s UFO DIgest Newsletter begins with breaking news reported by Diane Tessman of discovery of carbon on Mars and water on Mercury! Next, Chris Holly, wonders about Orbs, not small orbs, but UFO sized Orbs. They are mysterious. Speaking of mysterious Christian Mace is examining more objects on the Mars. Jon Kelly reports on a Bulgarian UFO captured on security cameras and on a new UFOlogy course taught by Richard Dolan. Pat Regan lets us know about the false Messiah and what we need to know. Doc Vega writes about UFO breaches at SAC bases and more. Regan Lee discovered Lisa Frideborg Lloyd tarot blog awhile ago and wonders about UFOs, moon and using Oracles. Finally, R.W. Sanders pens a letter to ET and reports on Richard C. Hoagland. Enjoy Dirk.

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Carbon on Mars? WATER on MERCURY, the Astounding News! by Diane Tessman. NASA’s “history-making” announcement on December 3rd, 2012, was really watered down! If one is being suspicious, one would think that the excited statement of the NASA scientist who first announced, “This is history-making!” was quickly taken down many notches so as to say, “Maybe Mars has carbon, the building block of life, but maybe it landed on a meteorite from space or maybe Curiosity itself brought the carbon with it from Earth.” More… Also read: Major TV Network Treats SASQUATCH Reality Seriously – Does This Change of Approach Signal UFO Disclosure Imminent?

Orbs Are A True Mystery by Chris Holly. The first thing I want to do before you read this article on Orbs is to be sure you understand the definition I am referring to when I use the term Orb to describe what I talking about in this article. More…

Mars Curiosity Photographs Another Strange Object by Christian Macé. See the series of pictures posted on the official website. And see 2 photos above that intrigue us with their expansions that I made. More… Also read: Mars Curiosity Photographs Head Shapes!

Bulgarian UFO captured on security cameras by Jon Kelly. A report from the Sophia News Agency dated December 5, 2012, describes how security cameras at a residence in Lom, Bulgaria captured images of a UFO that, according to witnesses, interfered with local electrical power and television transmissions during a three-hour incident. The statement from one witness explained how he was “willing to send the tapes [of the UFO] to the Institute for Space Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.” More… Also read: New Online UFOlogy Course To Be Taught By Historian Richard Dolan

Huge Boomerang Shaped UFO Over Michigan by Roger Marsh. A Flint Township, MI, witness reports watching a “metallic boomerang” under 700 feet and “traveling at impossible speeds,” according to December 3, 2012, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. The witness was outside with coworkers and looking at a group of hawks when the object was noticed. More… Also read: 30 November Days Yields 86 UFO Domestic Reports

The False Messiah: what you ‘need’ to know by Pat Regan. Do you sincerely ‘Think for yourself’ or is your subconscious thought process the result of clever, socio-religious, indoctrination since birth? You will not find the eternal salvation you dearly crave in the dusty old halls of monotheistic hypocrisy. You will not find it within any synagogue, church or mosque. It will not in fact be accessed in any man-made structure of alleged piousness. More…

UFO breaches of security at SAC bases by Doc Vega. Jerry Johnson, former Air Force Security Officer, recounted a very interesting UFO incident while serving his country in 1968 at Whiteman Air Force Base. His story draws a distinct parallel to events that occurred some years later at Rendlesham Forest in Bentwaters Air Base, Great Britain in 1980. I interviewed Jerry for my local newspaper in Plano, Texas. In doing so I had indirect ties with the incident that occurred at Bentwaters. Some may find these details disturbing. The events are as follows. Why, because it involved a UFO incursion into a USAF SAC base that predated the Strategic Air Command Bentwaters base incident. More… Also read: New documents prove US Air Force intensifies UFO recoveries

UFOs and the Moon: Using Oracles by Regan Lee. I discovered Lisa Frideborg Lloyd’s tarot blog awhile ago, and I love it. So much synchronicity, as to be expected in these realms, and I like her take on most things. A couple of weeks ago she posted about the moon-as-an-artificial-craft theory. More…

TO: ET FROM: R.W. Sanders by R.W. Sanders. Billions of us believe you exist. Millions of us believe you are visiting Earth. Many, many of those have seen you. Many have even been inside your crafts. Don’t you think it is time to drop the facade? We don’t blame our governments for trying to keep your presence a secret. We believe they have simply taken a prudent action in the face of your undoubted ability to intimidate even our nuclear weapons. More… Also read: Richard C. Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM Sat 12/1

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