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Let’s start 2014 with a newsletter full of interesting reading, To begin, Nick Pope offers an article on UFOlogy and the kids under 20 attending UFO seminars Next, Richard C. Cook asks if JFK could have been the real Flash Gordon? Then, Nick Redfern investigates a break-in by ETs into a British Space Facility! Scott Corrales writes about ghosts, tombstones, and humanoids ‘south of the border.’ John Foster wonders if UFOs or religious beings accomplish ET Control. Good question. Then Sophie Shevardnadze interviews former Canadian Defense Minister about a possible alien attack! Pat Regan begins the New Year writing about January and in an earlier article pens the ‘Dream Alien’. Edward Crabtree remembers Colin Wilson and finally Ron Murdock concludes there must be life out there? Enjoy Dirk

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UFOLOGY AND YOUNG PEOPLE by Nick Pope. I’ve often spoken at UFO conferences – particularly in America – where you could count on one hand the number of people in the audience under the age of 20. So where are all the young people and how can they be attracted to ufology? To be fair, some people in the UFO community have done some hard thinking about this problem and have come up with some good theories about why comparatively few young people are getting actively involved. These theories include a lack of attractive role models (NB the point in the final paragraph), the failure of the UFO community to adequately ‘police’ its ranks to weed out charlatans and crazies, and the comparative slowness of UFO organizations and authors to engage with new media, social networking sites, etc. More…

“KENNEDY’S LAST STAND” – COULD JFK HAVE BEEN???… “THE REAL FLASH GORDON”? by Richard C. Cook. Dr. Michael E. Salla is director of the Exopolitics Institute, which studies UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena from the standpoint of how we can penetrate the veil of secrecy drawn by governments over the massive amount of UFO/ET contact that has reportedly taken place worldwide over the past seven decades. The main culprit in this secrecy, of course, is the (secret) U.S government.. More…

DID ET SPIES BREAK-IN TO ENGLISH SPACE FACILITY? by Nick Redfern. Now and again a story comes along that is just about as bizarre as it is fascinating. And the following most definitely falls into both categories. It’s one that many might dismiss out of hand. Others, of a more open mind, however, might ponder on the possibility that the case in question is just the tip of a very big iceberg. And, with that said, read on… More…

FRIGHTENED BY GHOSTS IN THE MOONLIGHT NEAR TOMBSTONES? by Scott Corrales. Anyone would reasonably suppose that with the proliferation of ghost-and-paranormal shows on television (Ghost Adventures, Dead Files, etc.) the average citizen would be completely inured to stories chronicles of hauntings and proof of survival beyond the grave. However, the ghost story still has the power to petrify the reader of viewer, not only in the United States but around the world. Cemeteries – as a rule – are places to be shunned or at least given a wide berth, despite efforts aimed at making them places where people can go for a quiet afternoon of jogging or even meditation, or just to look at some unusual and imaginative headstones, if nothing else. The fear is nonetheless hard to dispel, and medical science avails itself of the term “coimetrophobia” to describe the overwhelming fear of final resting places. More… Also read: OBSERVATIONS ON THE NECOCHEA BEACH HUMANOID: LUIS BURGOS

ET CONTROL…UFOS OR RELIGIOUS BEINGS? by John Foster. From this point forward, I will offer some brief observations that I feel are important in understanding the true nature of life…our reality, our world…including reflections on science, religion, history, philosophy and ethics, etc. The first is included below. “The mysterious intelligences’ ” influence over a child, above his parents control: During the experience at 68th and Garland Streets, in Lincoln…Chapter 7 in the book Eminent Discovery…at the first house in which I lived…the mysterious voice (one of the primary “mysterious intelligences”) levitated a young neighbor boy and I up into “the large object” that hovered about 100 feet above us. More…

FORMER CANADA DEFENSE MINISTER CLAIMS DOWNING ONLY ONE UFO WILL START INTERSTELLAR WAR! by Sophie Shevardnadze. He was Canadian minister of Defense in 1960s, ruling over the country’s armed forces during the time of the Cold War – and when he retired he publicly stated that we are not alone in the universe, and some guests from outer space actually live here, on planet Earth. Is this fantasy? Is someone actually watching us? Today we ask the man who says UFOs are a serious business – Paul Hellyer. More…

JANUARY: IT ALL STARTS AGAIN by Pat Regan. Following Yuletide and the Midwinter solstice in December, we rapidly enter the start of another contemporary year with the icy month of January. I emphasise the word ‘contemporary’ because artificial calendars have so recurrently changed over the centuries. The pastoral, pre-Christian, Celtic land dwellers regarded the time we now call Halloween, in October, as the end of summer and beginning of winter. It marked the launch of their New Year. More… Also read: DREAM ALIEN…

COLIN WILSON: A PERSONAL LOOK by Edward Crabtree. Last Year – 2013-the Grim Reaper claimed many people who brought refreshment into our lives. The rock artist and science fantasy author Mick Farren breathed his last. James Herbert, master of supernatural thrillers joined the spectral world and Roy Mackal, the onetime Nessie hunter, will hunt no more. More…

THERE MUST BE LIFE OUT THERE by Ron Murdock. To say that we live on the only inhabited planet in the entire cosmos is pretty vain, arrogant and egotistical on our part. With all the potential planets that could support life similar to ours it is astronomical odds to bet against Earth being the only planet supporting life forms. The numbers must be in the millions if not billions. This is a topic that many have wanted answers to since the dawn of mankind. More…

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