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There was no newsletter last week as I was in Costa Rica for a wedding. This week Norio Hayakawa writes about how to get a job at Area 51. Then Jon Kelly reports on Edward Snowden and ETs and about UFO communications over BC. Chris Holly talks about the ‘Unknown’ in 2014. Scott Corrales writes about a humanoid ET in Argentina and drones over Mexico. Pat Regan reports on the Herefordshire UFO. Next, Carolyn Shield informs us about a Mars jelly donut on Mars. Then, John Foster writes more about his unbelievable encounters of the third kind. Columnist Jasper Copping writes about an airline almost colliding with a UFO. I report on the International UFO Congress being held in February. Tim Beckley offers his unique perspective on the strange. Steve Erdmann reviews The Noir of Murder Incorporated. Roger Marsh is back writing about the Kyle XY TV series. Finally, Hope Bradford writes about camouflage realties and NDEs. Enjoy Dirk

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HOW TO GET A JOB AT AREA 51 by Norio Hayakawa. It is almost next to impossible for most people to land a job at Area 51, even if one is a decent aeronautical engineer, an avionics-related weapons systems specialist, etc., unless by high recommendation from a high-ranking member of the upper management of the Groom Lake operations. More…

PSYCHIC HUMAN ETS REVEALED BY EDWARD SNOWDEN? by Jon Kelly. A new video posted to YouTube on January 28, 2014, exposes an involuntary process of deep disclosure taking place during former CIA employee and NSA contractor Edward Snowden’s recent interview with German television broadcaster Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) taped in Moscow. The video demonstrates how secret messages encrypted backwards in the whistleblower’s statements relate details of telepathic contact with human extraterrestrials. More… Also read: UFO COMMUNICATIONS OVER BRITISH COLUMBIA

THE MERRY-GO-ROUND OF THE UNKNOWN CONTINUES FOR 2014* by Chris Holly. Each year my loyal readers email me and ask me my thoughts concerning the New Year ahead. In the past I have made predictions as I had anticipated changes however the last few years I have given up as I watched the paranormal community continue with the merry go round ride that has become the normal way of things in the unknown. More…

A HUMANOID AT EL RINCON VIEJO, ARGENTINA? by Scott Corrales. Around 21:30 on Friday, 17 January of this year, seven (7) people were traveling in a Ford F100 pickup truck at a speed of some 40 kilometers an hour. Franco and Javier were in the payload of the vehicle with their two siblings. Their parents and grandmother were inside the cabin. They were returning from San Eduardo, Santa Fe, and in order to reach the field where they live it was necessary to traverse the 15 kilometer stretch that separated them from their destination. More… Also read: UFOS OR DRONES OVER REYNOSA, MEXICO?

THE HEREFORDSHIRE UFO OF 1969 by Pat Regan. I was contacted by a gentleman called David Whillis in January 2014, who had seen my UFO reports. Dave kindly wanted to share something amazing with me that he had witnessed as an 8 year old boy. The witness stated that this UFO was seen by numerous other witnesses and was reported on the “6 o clock news” as well. I shall let Dave explain this sighting in more detail as he recalls it. More…

MARS ‘JELLY DOUGHNUT’ ROCK FOUND BY ROVER PUZZLES NASA by Carolyn Shield. Theories are buzzing over the internet on where the mysterious rock spotted by Rover comes from. NASA scientists are puzzled and the rock is very unusual in its contents. It has high concentrations of manganese, magnesium and sulfur. It in fact has twice as much as any other rocks on Mars. More…

UNBELIEVABLE ‘ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND’ PHENOMENON by John Foster. This is a passage written in Chapter Seven, “Ecological Conservation,” of the book, To Earth From Heaven. It occurred during the summer of 1956, in the deep wilderness, near Bog Lake, several miles north of Dubois, Wyoming…at the end of a wondrous day filled with so-called UFO encounters. The churning cloud phenomenon and the crafts entering it was very similar to the rolling clouds and the UFO craft’s emergence from and disappearance into them as it was portrayed in the movie, “Encounters Of The Third Kind.” When I saw the movie, not yet experiencing my 1986 flood of recollection, I wept continuously from start to finish and didn’t know why. More…

THOMAS COOK AIRLINER PASSES WITHIN FEET OF UFO! by Jasper Copping. Any pilot flying holidaymakers between Manchester and Ibiza must be prepared for outlandish sights. But perhaps nothing so apparently unworldly as this. The captain of a Thomas Cook airliner flying tourists back from the Spanish holiday island to the north of England reported a “near miss” with a “rugby ball”-shaped UFO, which passed within feet of his jet. More…

INTERNATIONAL UFO CONGRESS CONVENING IN ARIZONA FEBRUARY! by Dirk Vander Ploeg. Tempe, AZ, January 29, 2014 –(– The International UFO Congress, presented by Open Minds Production, is the largest annual conference on UFOs and extraterrestrial life in the world. The conference will be held at the Fort McDowell Resort and Casino in Fountain Hills, Arizona, February 12th – 16, 2014. More…

CONSPIRACY JOURNAL EDITOR TIM BECKLEY SWEARS THE OUIJA BOARD CONNECTED HIM TO ANOTHER REALM! PSYCHIC/PROFESSIONAL WRESTLER LADY SUZANNE MILLER PASSES TO ANOTHER DOMINION by Tim Beckley. TERRIBLE NEWS – Those in the paranormal world knew her best as Lady Suzanne (Miller). She was a dear friend since she was 18 years old and walked into a metaphysical school I was running in NYC in the early 1970s. She became a teacher of the occult arts and eventually authored “Curses and Reverses,” which we published. We spent some time traveling to exotic places (including Disneyland) and taking several cruises. More…

THE NOIR OF MURDER INCORPORATED by Steve Erdmann.. The book opened with this stentorian statement: “In the three-year period which followed the murder of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald, 18 material witnesses died: six by gun fire, three in motor accidents, two by suicide, one from a cut throat, one from a karate chop to the neck, three from heart attacks and two from natural causes. An actuary engaged by the London Times calculated the probability that at least 18 witnesses would die of any cause within 3 years of the JFK assassination as 1 in 100,000 trillion.” (Quoted in the promotion of the 1973 film Executive Action) More… Also read: THE NOIR OF MURDER INCORPORATED – PART II

KYLE XY MIXES SCIENCE WITH EVIL by Roger Marsh. As a 50-something male viewer, I am the wrong demographic for the ABC Family network’s “Kyle XY,” but I found the paranormal-like story line a wonderful source of entertainment despite the heavy dose of teenage angst. Creators Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber legitimized seemingly paranormal behavior with the premise that if the human brain was simply left alone in the womb a while longer – like, they point out, Albert Einstein – the result would be humans with extraordinary capabilities. More…

CAMOUFLAGE REALIITES AND NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES by Hope Bradford. By defining us as Creators involved in a specific “Collective Agreement”, Kuan Yin has answered what may be the most important question of ours or any other era: who are we as a species? For what we believe about ourselves, we will certainly perpetuate. The current state of affairs of global war, inequality and environmental degradation cause many modern philosophers to question whether we, as a species, are innately cooperative or competitive. Often Darwin’s research on the nature of various species is cited as an explanation for acts of war and aggression; that humanity is a naturally competitive species. More…

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