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UFO Digest Newsletter July 19, 2012


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This week we begin with an article by Tim Beckley on what he said to William Shatner! Gordon J. Gianninoto is back with more proof of Planet X and Scott Corrales reports on strange UFO sightings in South America and Spain. Marc G. continues his ‘Year-long Stay on ET Base’ series with part threee. Jon Kelly writes about a scientific explanation of a hovering UFO. Roger Marsh updates us with MUFON’s cases of the past week. Albert Venczel asks ‘Is Contact Reproducible’ and then answers the question. Diane Tessman writes about UFOs as a high wire act. Chris Holly debates benevolent teachers versus rampaging invaders. Norio Hayakawa opines on the Huge Alien UFO Hoax. Dr. Susan Shumsky explains what will happen when the Mayan calendar ends. Abductee Paul Schroeder writes abut monsters and other scary night-time intruders. I report on strange photographs sent in by reader Rich and presents new evidence about Roswell. Chaneler Quantum Shaman investigates downloading the infinite and I would remiss if I forgot to mention TJ Morris article on the Ascension Age. Please note this are just some of the articles we have posted this week. Many more articles and new videos are on the UFO Digest website. Enjoy Dirk.

I Told William Shatner That The Ultra-Terrestrial “Invasion” Of The Earth Has Begun And That Strange “Alien” Shape Shifters Could Be Living Amongst Us by Tim Beckley. After nearly half a century investigating UFO reports, I am convinced that throughout history we have been encircled by invisible beings who can upon occasion materialize and take up a variety of shapes and facades – even looking so human in appearance so that they can walk on the surface of our planet undetected. Some of these beings may come in peace. . . while others are here for their own nefarious purposes, perhaps going so far as to control our minds, possess our body and do bloodcurdling experiments upon us. During the summer of 1966, a Gallipulis, Ohio, nurse saw a dome shaped UFO land in a remote field outside of town. She was compelled to leave her auto and walk toward the craft. More…

Photographic Proof of Earth Wobble Due To Planet X Grip and Release of Great Atlantic Rift by Gordon J. Gianninoto. Thanks to Nancy Diane Lieder for making this animated gif [using a free demo program]showing the moon moving sideways within seconds, by using the two attached photos I took, due to our Earth’s north pole moving back to the left. PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF OF EARTH WOBBLE CAUSED BY PLANET X IN 2 PHOTOS SECONDS APART AT 8:26 PM JULY 3RD 2012 AS THE FULL MOON ROSE OVER MAINE More…