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This week we begin with Chris Holly who warns about treating aliens as humans, then Sean Casteel writes about what A-listers such as Shirley Maclaine, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie, William Shatner and Jackie Gleason and what they have in common. Pat Regan writes about UFOs flying in formation over Liverpool and Regan Lee, admits she is living in UFO LAND and maybe a hippy! Then, Deanna Jaxine Stinson,reviews the new version of the movie POLTERGEIST. A new book suggests parents learn how to communicate with their children before birth. Then, Ron Murdock suggests that enlightenment and discernment go hand in hand. Next, Paul Dale Roberts, reports on the Monterey Bay UFO Hunt. Then, Joe White examines the Mars Cyclops Statue. Finally, Doc Vega remembers the importance of Memorial Day. Enjoy Dirk
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THEY ARE NOT HUMANS, SO STOP THINKING OF THEM THAT WAY! by Chris Holly. When it comes to alien life forms that may co exist in this universe with human earthlings one major issue seems to be a huge disconnect for the humans. That disconnect is that humans seem determined to give other life forms , other alien species human qualities when the truth may be they are nothing like us in any shape form or way of thinking. Aliens may have completely different views of good and bad as well as what is right or wrong. More….
WHAT DO A-LIST CELEBRITIES SHIRLEY MACLAINE, JIMI HENDRIX, DAVID BOWIE, WILLIAM SHATNER AND JACKIE GLEASON HAVE IN COMMON? by Sean Casteel. It is readily apparent that UFOs and their alien occupants are a huge portion of our daily allotment of pop culture influences. It should also be apparent that this is not a case of pop culture exploiting consumer interest in UFOs but represents instead a conscious, deliberate social programming being carried out by the UFO occupants. This distinction may be a subtle one to some, but, for many people working in the UFO community, it is an inescapable one. More….
LIVERPOOL UFOs WITNESSED MOVING IN FORMATION by Pat Regan. Following the recent release of my latest UFO book, ‘UFO: THE SEARCH CONTINUES’, things appeared to quieten down a little. Previous experience with the UFO phenomenon however reminded me that this misleading ‘calm’ would not last. During May 2015 I was contacted by a lady called Lyn Richardson. Lyn is the director at South Central Community Transport, a charity based in South Liverpool. More…
I AM LIVING IN UFO LAND: CALL ME A HIPPY, BUT… by Regan Lee. So many researchers, investigators, organizations, pundits, witnesses, UFO television programs, books, theories, speculations, … So many categories of experience. Genres of aliens and contact. And an equal amount of disagreement about all of the above. “Disagreement” ranging from mild difference of opinion to out and out attacks of the most vile nature, verging on the illegal. More…
THE POLTERGEIST MOVIE 2015 – REVIEW by Deanna Jaxine Stinson. Poltergeist is a remake of an older movie that was loosely based on a true story. First of all I really dislike it when Hollywood blows a ton of money on a remake of a film that has previously been done. It’s not the money that’s going to get the results it’s the creativity which this film was lacking. Film is an art form. In order for an art form to make sense it should be brought to life and evoke emotion. Where was the soul of the movie? I was disappointed by this version. More..
TEACH YOUR PARENTS WELL: COMMUNICATING WITH CHILDREN BEFORE BIRTH by Warwick Associates. The intense interest in the afterlife focuses on what happens once the physical body dies and whether it is possible to communicate with the dead. Mental health professionals are beginning to realize that after-death communication helps alleviate grief to a far greater extent than just counseling and/or bereavement support groups. More..
ENLIGHTENMENT AND DISCERNMENT GO HAND IN HAND by Ron Murdock. Change is a good thing as fresh ideas and ways of doing things replace the things which have or will become stagnant or fossilized. It keeps us humans from being stuck in a rut. But one has to be careful, have a clear vision of what is happening and where things are going. How many times in the past has the status quo been replaced by a revolution of sorts only to have it become the status quo itself. Then we need yet another revolution to change things once again. This cycle keeps repeating itself. More...
MONTEREY BAY UFO HUNT by Paul Dale Roberts. “There are stories of supposed Indian massacres by the Spanish settlers in the 1700’s. And from 1860 to 1880 the pass was known as Robber’s Pass due to two highwaymen that robbed, raped and murdered travelers along the route. And now in modern times it’s known as Blood Alley due to the numerous traffic accidents that occur along it’s route. Not all these accidents are fatal, but some are. And apparently some of the victims haven’t moved on. More…
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MARS CYCLOPS STATUE – ArtAlienTV Exclusive! by Joe White ArtAlien. “What looks very much like a carved Martian stone statue head on in this recent Curiosity Rover image. It has an inlayed white stone eye with pupil detail and a large ear similar to the Moai of Easter Island. Estimated size of the head around 2 feet wide. I have called him Cyclops as only one eye is visible but there may be another just out of sight or it may have fallen off. More…
MEMORIAL DAY NOT PARANORMAL NOT A MYSTERY BUT STILL IMPORTANT by Doc Vega . So you’re planning a three day weekend and wondering which meat will be best to throw on the grill and cook for your family? In all the hustle and bustle of travel arrangements and who you were going to visit, did you think for just a moment about just what this all American holiday is about? More…
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