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This week we begin our newsletter with an article by Diane Tessman where she writes about the “Burning Times.” Next, Scott Corrales files reports from Uruguay and Peru and writes about “A Quiver of Ghosts.” Then Pat Regan informs us about a military paratrooper who saw multiple UFOs and more. Chris Holly worries about the marriage of man and machine. Then, Doc Vega writes about the disinformation program plus the disappearance of US soldiers. Christian Macé reports on a UFO photographed over Toulouse, France. Then, John Foster tells us about the strange UFOs he has seen over the years. Paul Shishis writes about a black UFO and then shares a UFO sighting by his neighbor. Next, Jim Bowden warns that the Greys are kidnapping thousands of children and adults. I report on MUFON sightings over Hickory, NC, Bewleyville, Kentucky and Butleigh in the UK. Brent M. Braten contemplates the real Paradigm Shift and finally, Jose Antonio Cangco reports on his date with an alien girl! Enjoy Dirk

THE BURNING TIMES: TESLA, WITCHES AND EXTRATERRESTRIALS by Diane Tessman. Tesla also said, “If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.” Today, we practice that hatred against extraterrestrials. This hatred is born out of not only ignorance but the blind determination not to be educated. Many prefer to wallow in ignorance, fear, and hatred fed by lies and disinformation, and in so doing become the pawns of those who lie, hoax, deceive, or often just want to make a buck from a sensationalistic “alien” urban legend. More…

CRIDOVNI TO ANALYSE UFO PHOTOS by Scott Corrales. Uruguay: The issues raised by extraterrestrial life are as ancient as the story of civilization. Various sightings have already been reported in Punta del Este and its vicinity time and again. One of them took place on 9 October, when Fernanda Romero had the chance to photograph an unidentified flying object in the sky over Punta del Este – an image that could perhaps be evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial life. More… Also read: UFO VISIBLE IN THE SKY OVER ICA, PERU FOR TWO HOURS Also read: SCOTT CORRALES’ A QUIVER OF GHOSTS

MILITARY PARATROOPER SEES MULTIPLE UFOS IN ABINGDON, VA by Pat Regan. Dennis J. Wisnosky Jr, a former paratrooper, contacted me this autumn with an intriguing UFO account that he informs me has been briefly highlighted elsewhere. Regardless of his military background, Dennis courageously granted me full permission to use his real name, photo, etc in an effort to bring more attention to the situation at hand. More Also read: UFO BBC CUMBRIA: INTERVIEW WITH PAT REGAN: 13 NOVEMBER 2013

THE AMAZING DISINFORMATION PROGRAM OF THE POWERS THAT BE by Doc Vega. With all the lies of the mainstream media here in the US that we must have to sift through if we bother to even listen to them or the half-baked rumors continually surfacing all over the internet it is a tough job deciphering what is true and what constitutes political rhetoric these days. If we are not already hard pressed enough with a President who tells out-right laws about the much unwanted socialized medicine in Obamacare, we must now consider some recent revelations about generally accepted stories that have shaped our culture that have been uncovered for the lies that they were fabricated to be. More… Also read: MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF US SOLDIERS IN AFGHANISTAN

UFO PHOTOGRAPHED OVER TOULOUSE! by Christian Macé. UFO photographed in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne November 15, 2013. What was this strange alignment of three bright spots photographed in the sky by a district Minimes Toulouse, Sebastien Bousquet, in the evening of Friday to Saturday? More…

THE STRANGE CRAFTS AND OBJECTS I ENCOUNTERED DURING THE MORE COMPLEX EXPERIENCES by John Foster. Listed below are the crafts and objects I encountered during the more complex experiences…experiences that occurred intermittently from 1939 or 1940 to the mid 1980s. These were encounters that not only involved “the voice,” but the old bearded men and middle-aged men who seemed to be guides…who explained what was happening…and who gave us lectures about “the brotherhoods,” some science, history, and the future, etc. More…

UNKNOWN BLACK IMAGE CAUGHT ON FILM NEAR LAKE ONTARIO by Paul Shishis. I photographed an object today, November 19, 2013, that I thought would be of some interest. While on afternoon break at work in Scarborough I noticed some movement of something directly south some miles near or over Lake Ontario, so within a few seconds grabbed my camera and took three pictures. More… Also read: MY NEIGHBOR’S UFO STORY

MYSTERIOUS BLACK KNIGHT SATELLITE HAS BEEN MONITORING HUMAN CIVILZATION PERHAPS SINCE THE BEGINNING by Tony Elliott. Whether you believe in life existing in the universe beyond earth or not, one fact is certain, and that is UFOs indeed do exist because millions around the world have reported seeing strange objects in the sky since the late 1940s. In this respect, UFOs, unidentified flying objects are a reality. Only where they come from, what they may be, and who perhaps may have constructed them are the questions which remain unanswered. More…

GREYS HAVE KIDNAPPED THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN AND ADULTS by Jim Bowden. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, roughly 800,000 children are reported missing each year in the United States — that’s roughly 2,000 per day. Author David Paulides has written a series of books titled Missing 411. They deal with very odd disappearances of children and adults in North America and Canada. One father and son were together on a beach when his boy vanished. The father was 36 feet away from his son when this occurred. Thirty-six feet. More…

UNKNOWN OBJECT PHOTOGRAPHED OVER HICKORY, NC. USA by Dirk Vander Ploeg. The following sighting report was posted on the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website earlier today (Tuesday, November 19, 2013). MUFON Case No. 52291, Date of Event: November 3, 2013, Date Submitted: November 19, 2013, Location: Hickory, NC, US. While exiting the neightborhood video store the witness spots a particularily beautiful star directly in the sky across from the store and decides to snap a few photos of it. This is what the witness reports to MUFON: More… Also read: UFO WITH FLASHING RED AMD WHITE LIGHTS OVER BEWLEYVILLE, KENTUCKY Also read: DID BUTLEIGH MAN HAVE CLOSE ENCOUNTER WITH A UFO?

CONTEMPLATING THE REAL PARADIGM SHIFT by Brent M. Braten. For at least the past few years a lot of people around the world have been talking about a coming paradigm shift. The problem, at least as I see it, is that very few of these people speak to what this coming shift will mea to the common man-on-the-street (referring, of course, to all of the men, women and children who call this planet home). Well, while I will not claim to be an expert on anything other than myself I can say that I have spent a lot of time over the years observing and studying this thing we call Life. My unintended emphasis – unintended in that it is something that seems to come naturally to me as opposed to having to consciously work at it – has been on the spiritual side of things, the spiritual regularities we allow to rule our lives. More…

DATE WITH AN ALIEN GIRL by Jose Antonio Cangco. In 1992, while I was working for the government, I unknowingly dated an alien girl. It was on a Sunday evening and I was on my way home when I decided to drop by at my friend’s place for a little chat. This longer route would take me through the state university campus, but, being a holiday and as the darkness was approaching, traffic was light everywhere. More…

This week’s Videos 

• UFOs, Disclosure And The White House 

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As regular readers of the UFO Digest newsletter could you please forward a copy to friends or associates you believe may be interested in our articles. The newsletter is an important element of UFO Digest and I would really like to increase its membership. Thanks Dirk.

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Send your comments and suggestions to me. Feel free to forward this newsletter to your friends. Keep your eyes to the skies. See you next time. Dirk.

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