UFO DC – UFOs & Alien Intrusions


UFO Fleets Over the U.S. Capitol

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UFOs & Alien Intrusions

Washington DC UFOs & U.S. Air Force Intelligence

October 30th, 2019

Robert Morningstar Presents

A UFO Radio Interview 


                  Wilbur Allen, Capt. Robert Collins (USAF-Ret.)

& Johny Webb 

In this episode of “The Morningstar Report,” Revolution Radio host, editor & co-publisher of UFO Digest, Robert Morningstar, in New York city and co-host Johny Webb in London interview UFO investigator Wilbur Allen,  a USAF veteran, former Flight Engineer aboard Ronald Reagan’s Air Force One, expert photographer, enhanced imaging expert, and inventor who has been investigating UFOs and Alien Intrusions since his childhood.

Wilbur Allen is the webmaster of UFODC.com.

Reagan Air Force One SAM 27000
President Reagan’s Air Force One (SAM 27000) at Heathrow Airport


Alien Abduction

UFOs & Alien Intrusions

Alien Abductors

Follow the radio discourse by going to Wilbur’s website:



The Great 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO Incident

By: Gaia Staff  –  January 22, 2017

“’Saucer Outruns Jet, Pilot Reveals.”


“After the UFO Washington, D.C. incident of July 19, 1952, the headlines from The Washington Post’s Monday edition declared, “’Saucer Outruns Jet, Pilot Reveals.”

The article stated that the Air Defense Command sent a jet pilot up “to investigate the objects,” but was unable to overtake the moving glowing lights.

According to The Washington Post, the UFOs hovered only 1,700 feet above the White House lawn.  An Air Force spokesperson said that their organization took steps to properly investigate the event, but the newspaper found the investigation veiled in secrecy.  An unidentified traffic controller said the radar signals ruled out the possibility that the objects were due to weather conditions.  He noted that they looked like an “aircraft in flight” on the radar screen.”


Flying Saucers over DC



Alien Abduction Captured by Night Vision Camera

Alien Intrusions on Military Personnel

Editor’s note:

As it was reported to me, the photo above was taken by a US Army soldier who unable to stop this alien abduction, but who had the presence of mind to shoot the photograph using his US Army issued night vision camera. -> M*

The Remarkable Case of John Edmonds (USMC-Retired)

In the 2nd hour, Robert & Johny interview Capt. Robert M. Collins (USAF-Retired) who served more than 20 years in US Air Force Intelligence and was stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where he worked in the Foreign Technology Division (where crashed UFOs were taken to be stored and reverse engineered).

During the course of our conversation, we discuss the case of former US Marine, John Edmonds, who suffered continuous, multifarious intrusions on his horse ranch for many years, resulting in physical clash between John Edmonds and the ETs circa 2010.

Captain Collins discusses biological assays made of alien tissue samples and material residue recovered by Edmonds after his confrontation with the alien(s) during which, Edmond’s slashed through an intrusive alien’s body with a samurai sword that John had begun to sleep with by his side to fend off the on-going, persistent alien intrusions directly into his bedroom at his horse ranch in Arizona.

Captain Robert Collins describes his investigation and research into John Edmonds’ case, then goes on to share some of his own strange UFO and ET-related experiences with some unusual nocturnal visitations from multiple aliens  on the night of December 31st, 2009 – January 1st 2010 in Valdalia, Ohio.

A Short Bio of Capt. Robert M. Collins (USAF-Ret.)

Captain Robert M. Collins is a retired US Air Force intelligence officer who served actively for 22 years, with over 10 years in the Foreign Technology Division (FTD) of the USAF.

Exempt from Disclosure

Capt. Robert M. Collins is the author of “Exempt From Disclosure: the Black World of UFOs.”  He is a writer, consultant, UFO investigator and web editor.

robert collins af achievement award aug 1987 mstar enh

Captain Robert M. Collins receives USAF Commendation

Captain Collins is a former US Air Force Intelligence Officer, Capt, O-3 (Chief Analyst/Scientist in theoretical Physics holding a Top Secret/SCI clearance) at the Foreign Technology Division (FTD, now NASIC) and USAF Weapons Lab, Plasma Physics Shiva device.

Collins has an extensive background in Aircraft Avionics Systems, Ground Communications, with post graduate work in Engineering Physics, Electro-Optics, Plasma, and Nuclear Physics totaling over 22 years, earning the US Air Force Commendation Medal.

His first UFO contacts were made at FTD starting in 1985 which eventually led to his participation in “The Aviary,” a secret UFO Disclosure group of intelligence officers, convened from various agencies and military intel services by ex-CIA Director Richard Helms formed in the late 1980s at the instigation and directive of President Ronald Reagan as part of his own secret UFO Disclosure Program to prepare the American public for full disclosure at some future date.

Follow Captain Robert Collin’s’ UFO research at:



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